Thursday 6 April 2023

Wasted: John Cena [with Make-A-Wish kids] vs. Champ Austin Theory; Singles Match for the WWE United States Championship at Wrestlemania 39/2023: Night 1 by AverageMansReviews - Spoilers Alarm!

Wasted: John Cena [with Make-A-Wish kids] vs. Champ Austin Theory; Singles Match for the WWE United States Championship at Wrestlemania 39/2023: Night 1 by AverageMansReviews - Spoilers Alarm!

Straight off the bat: there is a number of matches on throughout this weekend, so I just thought I would say I am just doing them in order and yes some of them may have been given a positive mark just based on they did what they were designed to do, but in my defence not a high positive mark.

On to here and now: well I guess let's start at the beginning waiting roughly 16 minutes for some wrestling, is never a good start and then to be given the match/match slot that we got given was/is just garbage. Even though Austin Theory goes over here, it does absolutely nothing for him, if anything it damages him based on the grounds if I think it is going to go the way I think it is going to go, this reign of this championship may or may not come to an end sometime this year, but for the next year Theory will go on and on about beating Cena and consequently when WrestleMania 40/2024 rolls around Cena is going to challenge Theory probably the WWE United States Champion at this point for another match for this championship and they even started the groundwork for this potential match in the future on this night as well; with an interview/promo with Byron Sexton.

I mean this feud or whatever it is, isn't like Sheamus vs. McIntyre vs. the WWE Intercontinental Champion Walter where everyone knows simply put it is just going to be a banger and this is one of those matches where you could put it off for next year; just add it into the main event of Night 1 of WrestleMania 40/2024 with the added stipulation of an 60 Minutes Iron Man Match where Seamus goes over please and thank you WWE. I mean I think this is something we can all get on board with.

But how this Cena Theory match went down I have no interest in seeing it again. I mean if they had completely laid out this match/match slot better and when I say better I mean so much better. Like it was a close match, mixed in with Cena possibly winning, mixed in with an accidental situation occurring like Cena whilst preventing Theory from delivering a powerbomb [away from a top turnbuckle, but close enough so that Cena can accidentally pull it off when he is at the height of receiving the powerbomb to go down he uses it to try and prevent it, but he fails,] so consequently the top turnbuckle is exposed consequently if Theory uses it; he wouldn't be to blame, as he is a heel; he saw an opportunity not of his own making, so he took advantage of a situation which presented itself. So by doing this we can progress his character as being an opportunist, cunning and smart. Which in essence progresses everything, protects Cena from the loss, but more importantly makes Theory look better for having this match and there is plenty of material here if you want to bring it fall circle at next year's WWE WrestleMania. Which if this comes true at least my theory and I'm not talking about the wrestler here, would have sorted out this match and if there is a rematch there is the groundwork already laid down.

But as things were/are this was nothing, yes I did appreciate Cena showing appreciation to the crowd, but if this match or rematch should happen again at any time, but let's assume it will be WrestleMania 40/2020 4I have little to no interest in seeing it again as a standard Singles/Singles United States Championship Match, I mean maybe stick a ladder with the Championship on the line and then I may be interested in it or to cover my back in 2024 in a nutshell go big or go home with this stipulation.



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