Friday 17 February 2023

Average Extra of: Bruce Willis retires in 2022: Update in 2023 by AverageMansReviews

Average Extra of: Bruce Willis retires in 2022: Update in 2023 by AverageMansReviews

Real Talking Time:

If you would like background on this situation; Average Extra of: Bruce Willis retires in 2022 Link

Now presently it is Thursday 16/02/2022 my time just to cover my back. Bruce Willis' ex-wife Demi Moore provides an update on her Instagram on Bruce Willis' health situation in summary; they are very grateful for the love and support that they have received, but Bruce has been diagnosed with frontotemporal dementia as everyone may remember he was diagnosed with Aphasia, but it has progressed; even though this is painful, it is a relief to get a clear diagnosis.

I myself don't have much to add here other than hopefully Bruce Willis gets the right support [I mean this medically,] medication for as long as possible so as a true action hero he can put up a fight, which I am sure he and his family will. But what will never change if the facts that Bruce Willis will go down in the history of cinema from the 1980s and one of the cluster of action heroes from this time frame and beyond as well.

So in closing all I can say is thank you Bruce Willis for being a part of my life and have a safe and happy life with the rest of your family, friends and anyone connected to you.


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