Saturday 21 January 2023

The Banshees of Inisherin 2022 by AverageMansReviews

The Banshees of Inisherin 2022 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time

Warning: there is self harm/self mutilation/decapitation/animal cruelty/vomiting/child-abuse/drowning possibly suicide it doesn't get mentioned, I just read the film so this is speculation on my part/burning

We are based on this Irish island known as Inisherin: in 1923 during the Civil War on the mainland of Ireland; there are these two long-term friends Pádraic Súilleabháin [Colin Farrell] and Colm Doherty [Brendan Gleeson,] well that was until one day [the beginning of this film] Doherty chooses to end their friendship, to focus on his music and if Súilleabháin doesn't leave Doherty alone things will get out of hand quickly. The pacing 109 minutes film is to begin with smoothly paced to represent country life, after some time when things get more and more out of hand the pacing and the entire atmosphere of this film changes and not for the better.

The art as the scenery, landscapes and nature these are all good and now moving on to the comedy; it is slightly difficult to explain, just based on the grounds if you have ever been to Ireland or have experience with Irish people; learn their sense of humour so I will try and clean up one example is best that they can Doherty makes reference to Súilleabháin's animals which Súilleabháin quickly comes back with something to the effect of " Shows how much you were paying attention, it wasn't my pony it was my donkey" [full disclosure just to cover my back I have got the sentiment I am correct, but maybe not the right animal, I mean I am in the right ballpark.]

The character developments and the performances; I would say they are all good minus our lead partnership of Pádraic Súilleabháin and Colm Doherty, but there  is excellent chemistry between our lead partnership of Colin Farrell and Brendan Gleeson.

Now we come to the massive problem of this film; the seriousness or as I see it absolute foolishness between these two long-term friends is pathetic on both sides and there is/was absolutely no need for these two; to go down to the level that they do all I can say about this level is it goes to a very dark place. I feel I could hammer this film as much as I like based on this little fact which is a big fact and it isn't my fault that I can see the bigger picture here; these are two very grown men bickering over this situation whilst over on the mainland of Ireland there is an actual Civil War taking place which in essence completely undermines this film, because whilst we are watching this situation develop, people could be actually dying hence why I said it completely undermines the film. I mean at the end of this film these two characters don't even think about this situation all they care about is being even or not with one another, I can't even use the medical outlook of possibly having mental health issues even though on a simplistic level this gets mentioned in this film and before I get heavily criticised or backlash for this; I have a mental health illness as well and it is a long-term thing as well.

This film receives: 4/10, this film is mixed: after everything is said and done yes it does have some positives to it, but when it goes off the rails especially with an Civil War taking place is simply a bit of water separating them from it, it just makes his feud begin and end as a pointless exercise. This film does have some awards accredited to its name 3 Winners that include Venice Film Festival 2022 Golden Osella Best Screenplay Martin McDonagh and at the same event/awards ceremony Volpi Cup Best Actor Colin Farrell. Nominees 4 that include Gotham Awards 2022 Gotham Independent Film Award Best International Feature Martin McDonagh(director/producer) Graham Broadbent (producer) Peter Czernin (producer) and La Roche-sur-Yon International Film Festival 2022 Grand Prix du Jury Compétition internationale Martin McDonagh.

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