Tuesday 13 December 2022

The Building of: WWE vs. All Elite Wrestling Volume 46 by AverageMansReview

The Building of: WWE vs. All Elite Wrestling Volume 46 by AverageMansReview 

WWE & All Elite Wrestling: this I know I don't often do these instalments any more, it is just down to the time and energy and on top of that I know are usually do these two wrestling promotions separately, but in this case it would make much more better sense to discuss them together and I really wasn't planning to do this today. But it has been suggested that Mr McMahon at some point in the future is going to at least try to push his way back into his company, even with the legal baggage which seems to be getting more. I'm not going to discuss any of it, okay I may make vague references to it such as legal issues or you know something similar but that would be about it and yes I know he still has 51% control in the WWE And the impending documentary from The Dark Side of the Ring entitled "The Nine Lives of Mr McMahon." 

I am hoping that the WWE board and other hierarchy members stand strong and deny him, because since he has departed generally speaking of what I have seen and heard from other content creators, I don't watch their TV programming but I do watch their Premium Live Events from their main roster and NXT and generally speaking the lowest mark I have awarded is 7/10 which is a massive improvement based on a never used to watch them [because when Mr McMahon was in creative control eventually I got so angry,] so when I say it is a massive improvement that is how big I am actually talking about. Don't get me wrong not everything that Triple H. has done is perfect such as for one example Braun Stroman, back in the day on his first run with in this promotion I was under the misconception he could have been/should have been something special, but since his return he has proven me wrong. But back to Triple H. [and in fairness and balance the hierarchy that are now running things as well] have successfully stabilised the ship brought back their young and I can't stress this enough with their young talent and make things competitive on their own product, make things competitive between themselves and AEW [yes, yes I know they don't see them as competitors.] But like it or not and I know I will get heavily criticised for this from the WWE hard-core fan base but never mind under Triple H. he has stemmed the flow of everything going one way with AEW and don't worry I will get onto AEW later. But Triple H. and the hierarchy of the WWE have been surfing this massive wave of goodwill from the wrestling community, but to have at least the idea that Mr McMahon may come back in some capacity Will under the goodwill and to use one of Mr McMahon's phrases " No one person is bigger then the WWE" which I now find this hypocritical just based on that is precisely if and I do stress in, because I don't want to be misquoted here, He is actually saying by his actions that I am bigger than the WWE. Which I am not condoning this; but if you have known Mr McMahon long enough, this is how precisely he thinks; he is an arrogant, misogynistic, lunatic but should have been either step down [deep down I know he wouldn't/will not give up the remaining power he has left without a fight] or forcibly unable to control anything of the WWE.

I know it is going to take time to undo the damage which Mr McMahon has done and I am not overlooking that in the slightest, but for the first time in decades it finally looks like that the WWE are dragging themselves out of the dark ages of wrestling and there is one massive yet incredibly obvious point that the board/hierarchy need to consider; sometime in the future but not too far off their TV deals are coming up for renewal Raw towards the later stages of 2023 and SmackDown the later stages of 2024 let's put this nice and easy with Mr McMahon out of the picture and with Triple H. putting consistently good content on [based on when I listen to other content creators] and as I have already highlighted I watch some of their content, so Triple H. could and probably are bringing back some fans to their product, logic would dictate this would put the WWE in a stronger position for negotiations, unlike Mr McMahon's creative control and legal issues.

All Elite Wrestling on the other hand just need to get through this year, I am not turning my back on them but as a fan they have gone from one problem to another and then to another this year. But what has became clear this year is they do have a cluster of wrestlers that when things hit the wall they will stand up and be counted. I do believe that because of their many issues in 2022 it has stunted the growth of this promotion. I mean for an example I know I said originally we would have to give this promotion 10 years to see how things turn out and I stand by that to a certain extent, meaning as long as things were moving forward I would be happy with that. But for an example the women's division has stopped moving forwards and this has nothing to do with the wrestling side of things, this has to do with Tony Kahn. I mean I like him but improve your booking [On a quick side note how can TK have nothing creative for Miro to do? He is a massive star and this would be a good time to actually put him in the main event picture, you know I could understand at the beginning of him not instantly being inserted into  the main event picture, to get away from all ex-WWE wrestlers are taking over the main event picture, but now I don't see why in 2023 you should be up and around there,  but at minimum you should be on TV] and on top of that on one hand yes I have said I don't like too many titles, but on the other hand I have also said TK can and should rotate his champions around so when they appear on screen and on a show they still feel like a champion and when I say rotate I mean maybe give them a week or two off so they can be rested and still maintain the special champion feel, but at the moment he is having too many champions on-screen and unless you are FTR at this moment in time or one individual holding multiple championships bit singles or tag this is fine, but other than that it does take a little prestige off the championships and just to cover my back pay-per-views you can shake things up so if you were going to have quite a few other pay-per-view or their smaller pay-per-view calibre events now and again this is fine. I know I am going to contradict myself but there is only one more championship he should consider and I can hear people rolling their eyes at the possibility of another championship within this promotion, but you're going to say fair enough after I have said it and it makes logical sense; Women's AEW Tag Team Championships as this wrestling promotion was founded on tag team wrestling I am up for that.

Full disclosure; I know nothing about this individual, all I know is basically this individual could change the fortunes of AEW; AEW have hired Mansuy; as I have recently found out today he was meant to take over from Kevin Dunn though yes in a way he is an ex-WWE guy and he is a big signing for AEW and just to finish off I have nothing but respect for William Regal so as long as he is still with us and in wrestling all is good with me, but I find it interesting yet sad that there are some within the AEW talent that will not learn from the old guard of wrestling [Basically confirmed by Brian Pillman Jr. on social media, when I say basically I mean I am paraphrasing here he didn't mention any specifics, but when he had the opportunity to learn he took it like the others did as well.] If I was a wrestler I would be learning as much as I could from them, the only thing I wouldn't learn is the flying side of wrestling give me an elbow drop or a leg drop or a big splash, I am not a flying guy, I would be a very much ground and pound wrestler. But in turn this gives some credibility to what CM Punk was saying in that infamous media scrum after AEW All Out this year.


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