Friday 23 December 2022

Detective Knight: Redemption 2022 by AverageMansReviews

Detective Knight: Redemption 2022 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time

Warning: there is flashing effects/colourful effects/shooting/drugs/medical kamikaze/terrorism/torture

When dookie hits the fan; you send a criminal to catch a criminal: this is precisely what happens when Captain Anna Shea [Miranda Edwards] does to capture this individual known as "The Christmas Bomber," because of this individual's character development, being secretive for a little while I can't put his identity down and his group calling themselves "The Real Saints of Christmas," this individual's right-hand man is Dajon [Cody Kearsley/I know on some website it says Colby Lopez a.k.a. Seth Rollins, but to cover my back on the actual ending credits it says the first performer, I don't know what went wrong here, they look vaguely similar, but when they talk it gives the game away, hence why I didn't pick up on it when I heard this performer's voice.] Captain Anna Shea [Miranda Edwards] goes to James Edwards Knight/James Knight/Detective James Knight [Bruce Willis] who is awaiting trial for things that happened in the previous film Detective Knight: Rogue 2022 Link if you want to see it,  but I digress and could have escaped when things went sideways but didn't is given the task to apprehend The Christmas Bomb which in exchange the District Attorney will drop all the charges against him

The pacing of this 93 minute film is like the rest of it solid and it sticks to the plan.

We have some comedy in the dialogue exchanges and a recurring comedy reference our lead role at the end of the film says yes I have to censor this "Happy Christmas mother lover" where in the previous film exchange Christmas for Halloween.

Action: now we get onto the biggest selling point of this sequel we get to see James Edwards Knight/James Knight/Detective James Knight [Bruce Willis] taking care of business as only Bruce Willis can, it isn't anything major but it is just good to see Bruce Willis still being able to solidly be an action actor.

Character developments and performances: they are all solidly good minus under that character types and performances minus, but you can still see, feel that Bruce Willis the action star is still in him which is good to see, feel and experience.

This film receives: 5/10, this film is mixed; as I have already referenced this is just a solid film, it knows what it is and sticks to it and I should just point out there is one extra sequence after the first lot of credits, but to leave this review on a positive at least this sequel is much better than its predecessor.




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