Thursday 22 December 2022

Detective Knight: Rogue 2022 by AverageMansReviews

Detective Knight: Rogue 2022 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time

Warning: there is flashing effects/colourful effects/shooting/strangling/medical

Well this was awful: this crime lord Winna [Michael Eklund] and because he doesn't want to get his hands dirty he has this small group of criminals doing jobs for him; this group is led by Casey Rhodes [Beau Mirchoff.] These two Los Angeles Detective's James Knight [full disclosure I don't know if the young child is this character or not, if I had to guess most probably bad I have no performer and name or indication of character name/Adult: Bruce Willis] and Godwin Sango [Jimmy Jean-Louis] are on the case especially when Knight's previous partner Detective Eric Fitzgerald [once again full disclosure on his character description it doesn't say detective but as they were partners I am going with a guess] was badly short by Rhodes on their last job. There is one other thing I should just point out Knight is a rogue detective [I know this is self-explanatory based on the title of this film,] but he is in the back pocket of Winna as well and Sango stumble upon. Well I say that when it happens it isn't exactly quiet it is more like a foghorn saying "I am a crooked detective!" But in fairness and balance Winna made him do this. But it is incredibly poor and stupid character developments I know this crime lord is very difficult to touch in a legal sense, but you wouldn't just shine a massive light on it as I have just indicated.

The pacing for this 105 minutes film is well I have seen snails move much quicker than this film ever does.

The only action sequence and the only comedy smidgen is when Knight uses this line obviously censored “Happy Halloween mother lover" and then momentarily later shoots the individual in question.

The character developments and the performances; are generally speaking including what I said earlier are on the whole like watching paint dry yes Willis makes these safe and reliable character developments and puts in a good performance when he is on screen. I am taking nothing away from him, but what were the pacing and everything else he is just trying to make lemonade out of some old lemons which this is very much the only positive of this film.

This film receives: 1/10, this film is poor; what do you want me to say about this film, it is a first of a trilogy and this film has Bruce Willis in it. So if there are any fans out there of his, take a look at this film but I would suggest set your expectations incredibly low, like an ant could with great ease pole vault over them and yes I acknowledge that this film has a positive in the form of Willis, but everything else about it works as a counterbalance.

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