Monday 31 October 2022

Ultimate Muscle: The Kinnikuman Legacy [Season 1,] Episode 14: Feeling No Pain by AverageMansReviews

Ultimate Muscle: The Kinnikuman Legacy [Season 1,] Episode 14: Feeling No Pain by AverageMansReviews

Review Time:

5 things about this episode

Warning: there is flashing/colourful/other effects/bodily functions/child abuse

The NightMare's Checkmate [with Sunshine] vs. The Muscle League's Kid Muscle [with Meat;] Part 2: Character [Character developments,] Art, Action and Blooper; Kid pinches one of Checkmate's changing chess pieces; the pawn which Kid uses it on himself; he transforms into this silver armoured chess piece it looks fantastic. The move mat of this ring is a chess board, so unfortunately Kid goes to attack Checkmate, but however he quickly learns the downfall of being a pawn and that is the pawn can predominately move one space at the time so in essence the rules of the chess piece movements applied to Kid, but for some strange reason they don't apply to Checkmate I mean as we are on a chess board/mat shouldn't the rules of chess apply to Checkmate, rules change depending what form/piece's attribute or skills are. I mean if we didn't have the chessboard mat, I could make an argument for of course it would affect Kid and not Checkmate because maybe Kid isn't used to the power, but because we are a on chessboard or if it Checkmate is strong enough to overrule the rules of this game to begin with, but as this wrestling match progresses and as he gets tired or injured it would have been a smart character wrinkle if the chessboard rules came into effect as he got weaker. Instead of this ultimate chess piece which the rules do not apply to him.

This episode receives: 10/10, this episode is top-notch entertainment; it has so much happening, I really couldn't give anything less than what I have, talk about a fully packed episode this is what we have here.


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