Friday 21 October 2022

The Resurrection of Gavin Stone 2017 by AverageMansReviews

The Resurrection of Gavin Stone 2017 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time

Warning: there is flashing effects/colourful effects/drugs/impaling

I found this film to be a little bit cringeworthy: Gavin Stone [Young: Daniel Jeffrey Donaldson as Cliffy from the American sitcom Family Life/Teen Gavin Stone: Sam Jenkins/Adult: Gavin Stone/Jesus Christ Brett Dalton] is a washed-up child actor which has been given 200 hours community service for his latest mess. He chooses to serve them at his hometown church of Masonville; Masonville Bible Church. Where he meets this woman that he really likes Anjelah Johnson-Reyes [Kelly Richardson;] she is the Pastor's daughter and she is working on this future production of The Crown of Thorns [the plot roughly is; Resurrection of Jesus] she is at the casting stages, but there is only one problem she will only cast Christian believers, which at this point Gavin is not, but that doesn't prevent him from wing in it. On his journey he makes some friends on the way such as for an example Doug/one of Jesus' disciples [Shawn Michaels.]

The pacing of this roughly 90 minute film is good; it smoothly just gets on with what it has to do.

Character developments and the performances; full disclosure I am not religious, but even I find it a little bit cringeworthy/uncomfortable for someone to claim they are religious, just so that they can spend more time with somebody and like I said attempt to wing it. How can I put this nicely; I believe and I do; you shouldn't mess with religion unless that is your kind of thing.

But minus the religious factor [I mean this kindly] these character developments and performances are all good; they don't do anything wrong, they are harmless.

Art; the little bit of the stage production of this play that we get to see; is high quality on a low budget [no disrespect intended here,] this is what they were going for based on I am paraphrasing here Stone wanted a bigger stage production but they didn't have the budget for it as this is an amateur production, but it looks good.

This film receives: 5/10, this film is mixed; the first cross genre of this film is comedy and yes there were a very small amount of times I laughed, but when this film leans away from Stone winging it so much or something to that effect, then as you can see after everything is said and done this project comes out with half decent mark and yes I see it so much more as a drama. This film also has winning award accredited to its name Winnipeg Real to Reel Film Festival 2018 Grand Jury Prize Best Independent Feature Dallas Jenkins.

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