Thursday 20 October 2022

Countdown 2016 by AverageMansReviews

Countdown 2016 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time

Warning: there is flashing effects/colourful effects/shooting/stabbing/cutting/torture/breaking/child abuse/terrorism/medical/trigger warning a reference to Russia, their leader [when this was first dictated] and Ukraine.

After just 13 minutes I was disinterested with this film: Detective Ray Thompson [Dolph Ziggler/Nicholas Nemeth] is put on suspension after having to shoot his latest partner in an undercover situation, don't worry his partner was relatively okay he shot him point blank range roughly where his bullet-proof jacket was so he only received a flesh wound, so no big deal; it is just another name to the very long list of ex-partners he has worked with. But unknown to everyone, but him; he has been getting weird mail for a year. To somewhat speed this up he with Lieutenant Julia Baker [Katharine Isabelle] have only hours before this kaboom.

The pacing of this 90 minutes film volume [sound] of background music is completely missable or/and/take your pick what with them paint by numbers storyline likewise paint by numbers character developments/performances and to a certain amount action sequences.

I'm not backtracking here; individually every component of this film is safe and reliable, but put them all together and if the pacing and supporting components don't let's just go with interlock or gel, then it comes across as a really poor quality. On top of that you have these character developments and performances which once again in theory at minimum give you something solid to work with instead of what we have here is really boring characters, minus Lt Cronin [Kane/when this blog was first dictated Mayer of Knoxville Glen Jacobs] at least he puts in a solidly good performance.

Let's move on to some positives; they make reference to this love triangle between Rusev [Miroslav Barnyashev] and Lana [Catherine Joy "CJ" Perry] husband-and-wife, but they weren't at this time in fact Perry broke kayfabe and announced her engagement to her now husband

 Thompson is trying to escape from this police station and we have Lt Cronin shooting this beanbag gun at him including in the grapefruit [for revenge for earlier on] but Thomson escapes with using this window washer and his platform which he is working from.

This film receives: 1/10, this film is poor; yes it has positives to it, but the negatives very much outweigh the positives. They had a short-term great idea of going around this venue when we have nicely yet conveniently the WWE are performing at this live event so we see many wrestlers, but it can't be just a genuine house show and it was too early for the business dealing with Saudi Arabia, so just as an observation what is Brock Lesnar doing here? It doesn't look to be coming from Madison Square Garden either, but I found this film to be really difficult to keep interested.

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