Sunday 25 September 2022

The Building of: WWE vs. All Elite Wrestling Volume 44 by AverageMansReview

The Building of: WWE vs. All Elite Wrestling Volume 44 by AverageMansReview

Just a heads up: I am not going to take it easy on either a company and I am going to give you a common courtesy but I will mention two people that will trigger some people out there, but I do this to make a valid point.

WWE: I want to know what the hell is the WWE thinking of possibly having this send-off for Mr McMahon at WrestleMania 39/2022 at some point over this two night event. I do have this dress this is possibly going to happen, but all I know at this point is across the Internet there is at least conversations that this may possibly be happening.

Why is this happening? He is disgraced individual, I know he revolutionised the wrestling industry, then I have openly said for maybe like 20% of the good he has done in one way or another in wrestling it doesn't excuse the other 80% of bad or negative things he is responsible for. Actually on reflection I thought with him being caught doing this shady and unpleasant cover-up dealings multiple times as far as we are aware and what with the hash tags #Metoo and #SpeakOut if I was the WWE I would treat Mr McMahon like any other person which would be to release them and consequently have nothing to do with them.

I can't believe the new hierarchy of this company are basically sleepwalking into another situation where it is going to be a political nightmare, previous nightmare I am speaking of is The Fabulous Moolah Women's Battle Royal at WrestleMania 35/2019 they had to drop this name, because in a nutshell she is very similar to Mr McMahon, she abused her position and her wrestlers it was only after the outcry and some sponsors that they just went for the Women's Battle Royal and it isn't officially on this card either, it was put on the kickoff show.

I mean last week; I was being called toxic by one individual, because this individual was aware of Mr McMahon's doing bad things, but for some strange reason they wear just focusing on the positive things he has done and life doesn't work that way. Because if I was to think like that Chris Benoit should already be in the WWE Hall of Fame for sure, but if you have been around wrestling for more than five seconds, you know why he is essentially like Lord Voldemort no one says his name personally, but only in a wrestling context. So as I have pretty much made it crystal clear I wouldn't entertain bringing Mr McMahon back at all, considering the WWE are very much going through a rising of the Phoenix from its ashes.

I know I should have brought up this in the previous Volume, but I am bringing it up now; why was John Cena at Mr McMahon's birthday gathering this year? Yes I know they are friends, but on one hand Cena didn't want to go and wrestle in the middle east any more for the damage it would do to his potential owning, but on the event he is okay being seen with Mr McMahon at has a cloud over his head all of this kind of miss doing. No surprise I also received some backlash for this as well, because another individual couldn't understand what I was saying and in a nutshell here [which I am aware I have probably nailed this already;] but if Cena was/is worried about his public image you shouldn't be here with Mr McMahon and their wife as it relates to Cena and another lady with Mr McMahon. Before I receive feedback I know in this picture you had Pat McAfee and Brock Lesnar outside this establishment, but they don't care about what people think, But we will have to wait and see what happens with Mr McMahon closer to the time of next year's WrestleMania.

All Elite Wrestling: straight off the bat Malakai Black [yes I will leave this individual alone like the rest of us should, so he can fix himself.] But I just wanted to correct myself if I ever, ever said he was happy in AEW, he hasn't been happy for some time so I apologise for that if I ever dictated anything to that effect I think I have somewhere at some point. But as I do so much content I am covering my back either way and apologies to Black. What has irritated him in a short version is things were promised and were not delivered and the fact that someone let it be known about his mental health situation publicly as he is a very private man, he himself was very unhappy that this came to light which was meant to stay private/confidential without him saying it first which as someone with mental health and long-term years of experience with it; I get it and Tony Kahn should rectify this so it never happens again, hopefully the individual that let this information out has now hopefully been fired, yes that is what I would have done to an individual that dealt with something so private, because hopefully TK would learn from this situation that I need to know my wrestlers can come to me or one of my network of people without them shouting off their mouth, you see I have learned to embrace who I am so someone letting out I have mental health issues is not a problem, but everyone is different. As I am dictating this; it looks like another member of The House of Black is at minimum taking some time off/done with AEW for a while Buddy Matthews.I would like to see Julia Hart recruit some of the young AEW talent to replenish their numbers, obviously I don't want to see Black and Matthews go, but Hart has really come into her own as this character, so what I'm saying here is; give her some lemons to make lemonade and alongside Brodie King [this is of course after she has recovered from that table sport that didn't exactly go to according to plan on Wednesday 21/09/2022; in short her head completely missed the table and went straight down on to the floor below where her back of the head hits the concrete; she missed the mats and hit the concrete; hopefully she isn't too banged up; I have just had a thought, please don't make this a character development of her having amnesia because of this.] but I digress; they can really do something, like going up against Miro or continue that just instead of Black go with King or I have also heard Sting may be the new leader of this faction/group I mean as I am dictating this I can clearly see on a social media platform everyone talking about This faction/group and with the general consensus of how much TK dropped the ball, so obviously I agree with this. So it would be nice for him to rectify it, but I have been waiting for him to do the same with The Dark Order and I am still waiting or better yet he could just suggest these two factions/groups come together to create the House of Order.

I mean I don't know what is happening backstage at AEW, but unless there is a genuine case or at issue the AEW roster, should either believe in AEW or don't sign for them, I am aware that there are many potentially requesting their release and at this point I am like and there's the door. Of what I have seen since the beginning of AEW is that they can make stars and simply put as the WWF/WWE outlook was and probably is still to this very day earn your spot or you are replaceable. I don't mean to be this harsh, with the amount of complaining I ever heard from AEW lately a little bit of tough love wouldn't go amiss [excluding real situations like Black,] but in fairness and balance I have also heard since the departure of CM Punk, things have been getting better with more general together meetings.

Speaking of Punk; it has been well documented over the past week; he is done with AEW and going to buy out the rest of his contract, I am not excusing the contributing factors/people of the infamous brawl after AEW All Out 2022, which I did say this on social media as well including the following paraphrasing and extending it a little; this was his one opportunity to put his history straight and fulfil that potential he still has, but he is his own worst enemy.

So for the sake of the all-round happiness of AEW if Punk wants to go, I would let him go unless everyone from the infamous situation sits down as adults and air out things, but from the list of people I know by reputation they are not the kind of people that would/will back down easily so I don't see this fantasy happening any time soon or in the slightest if I was to be really honest with you.

I have also made a reference to this on social media; someone from AEW should have really done some research on the faction/group name of The Firm, because in the UK there is a well-established real-life family known an alternative name of The Firm or better known as the Royal Family and yes they couldn't have known Queen Elizabeth II would have died shortly after. The wrestling faction The Firm debuted Wednesday 14/09/2022, Queen Elizabeth II died Thursday 08/09/2022. So obviously doing some research to find out these dates, why didn't someone quickly come up with a different name or I would have pointed this point and maybe pushed for a name change.

Full disclosure; I haven't watched the latest AEW programming be it Dynamite or/and Rampage, I do have them recorded; it is just I can either make content or watch wrestling, I can't be at two places at once.

So my next point is purely based on speculation if they haven't shown up for some time on AEW TV programming and this is once again purely based on speculation mixed in with a little bit of fact based on the passing of Queen Elizabeth II, if this faction/group haven't been seen for a while this may be possibly the reason.

Let's try and finish this section on a positive this faction/group has lots of potential; members W. Morrissey, Ethan Page, Austin & Colten Gunn, Lee Moriarty they are all in business with Stokely Hathaway and yes I have just learned you won't see all of them together they are a support system for MJ F and looking for opportunities and so on and so forth.

But I'm going to finish off this Volume everyone wanted a second golden age of wrestling and here it is; I would say generally speaking from beginning until now it is a 50-50 contest; considering there have been and ongoing changes in the WWE lately and for the first two years AEW couldn't do anything wrong, I wouldn't say they have done anything majorly wrong, but I would definitely say this third year has been incredibly rocky.

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