Monday 26 September 2022

DC Harley Quinn [Season 2,] Episode 20: There's No Place to Go but Down by AverageMansReviews

DC Harley Quinn [Season 2,] Episode 20: There's No Place to Go but Down by AverageMansReviews

Review Time:

5 things about this episode

Warning: this TV program is not suitable for children and in one way or another there is adult contents/flashing effects/other effects/shooting/stabbing/decapitation/hit with car/drugs

Daddy, daughter time: Storyline, Character [Character developments,] Action and Comedy; now after finding out this life changing news Commissioner Jim Gordon decides to get sober and re-establish a functioning GCPD [Gotham City Police Department,] but first he has to do take out its current occupants in the form of Harvey Dent/Two-Face and his goons.

Commissioner Gordon does have Barbara Gordon/Batgirl with him, but he tells her I've got this, so he takes on these criminals on his own. Where once inside the GCPD, Commissioner Gordon has this dialogue exchange with Harvey Dent/Two-Face and then this action sequence takes place Commissioner Gordon vs. Harvey Dent/Two-Face and his goons; this action sequence is high octane graphic action which is lots of fun with the excellent inclusion of comedy from Barbara Gordon/Batgirl saying and points something to the effect of "Have you still got this?" [As she is standing behind this closed-door of one side, while the other side is slightly open she/we can hear and see flashing lights and things of this nature at the entrance to the GCPD, he indicates a yes or something to indicate if he isn't too busy.

This episode receives: 8/10, this episode is excellent: on reflection I have decided to award another mark, because it has lots to offer.




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