Sunday 25 September 2022

Prey 2022 by AverageMansReviews

Prey 2022 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time

Warning: there is colourful effects/shooting/stabbing/impaling/chopping/disintegrating/decapitation/torture/ cutting/beheading/animal cruelty/animal feeding.

Prequel to the 1987 first film; In 1719 in the Great Plains: there is this Comanche tribe; specifically Naru [Amber Midthunder] and her dog Sarii [Coco the Carolion Dog,] she sees something in the sky and believes there is something out there, but no one believes there and she wants to go through Kühtaamia [I got the basic idea but I didn't want to offend anyone, so on some research it is a rite of passage to be a warrior and/or a hunter,] but at some point she will more than prove yourself to be more than capable warrior/hunter.

The pacing of this 99 minute film is a slow burner for a good amount, but when it decides to go through the gears it gets slowly more and more fluent to a good fluency and movement.

Moving on to the artistic visions, be it the scenery/landscapes and how this predator looks and moves; on any of this including in between as well, they really did go all out to make this a visual experience and connecting to this; the action sequences for one example a angry big grizzly bear vs. the Predator [in invisibility mode.] This sequence is from the perspective of Naru as she is trapped in this possibly beavers territory location [yes I could/probably or more than likely wrong about this, but it is a guess] but she is in here trying to stay away from this angry grizzly bear which was chasing her, but the Predator came along for not to rescue her, but for the challenge for it to go up against a big grizzly bear. So this combat sequence uses the former of the Predator wrestling including punters with this big grizzly after everything is said and done Naru swims for it.

The character developments and performances: firstly mostly on both counts they are safe and reliable versions of what they are meant to be. Secondly Amber Midthunder as Naru with or without Sarii looks and feels comfortable in the lead role position consequently I hope she can find or is considered for more lead position/lead partnership roles in projects at some point not too far away in the future.

This film receives: 5/10, this film is mixed; as I have quite clearly pointed out in this review this film does have positives, but the pacing and movement really does take some time to find its groove and the last thing is; I am disappointed to see that this film had no awards accredited to its name either for the artistic vision or Amber Midthunder or just to cover my back when this review was first dictated there are no awards accredited to it.


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