Thursday 1 September 2022

Pay-Per-View Rewind of: WWE/ECW One Night Stand 12/06/2005 Match 1 Part 1 by AverageMansReviews - Spoiler Alarm!

Pay-Per-View Rewind of: WWE/ECW One Night Stand 12/06/2005 Match 1 Part 1 by AverageMansReviews - Spoiler Alarm!

Chosen by: Me; I chose this pay-per-view just based on freshening things up as I haven't done an ECW [Extreme Championship Wrestling] pay-per-view yet, I also haven't done anything north of the 2000's for awhile and I know this is meant to be just an ECW pay-per-view but I have gone with WWE/ECW, because it is under their umbrella and everything else that comes with that and I have no doubt at some point either now or in the future someone will complain that I didn't make reference to this or make it known or something other.

Briefly things to know:

* Before pay-per-view intro

* Stephen Deangelis [or it will be Bob Artese:] Ring announcer introduces a member of our commentary team; Joey Styles which looks emotional to be back with ECW

* Joey Styles Commentator: introduces his commentary partner Mick Foley

* Roll the pay-per-view intro.

Warning/Disclaimer: there is flashing effects/colourful effects. Disclaimer I have never been a professional wrestler and never likely to be.

Match/Stipulation: The Impact Players' Lance Storm [with "The Incomparable" Dawn Marie] vs. "Lionheart" Chris Jericho: Singles Match

Match Attributes:

Match Quality: 8/10

Match Storyline: 8/10

Crowd Participation: 10/10

On Commentary: Mick Foley & Joey Styles 8/10

Satisfying Conclusion: 8/10

Recommend Watch: 8/10

Match Total: 50/60 - this match is excellent

Comments: as the attributes would suggest this is/was an excellent match to kick-off this pay-per-view. There is a problem straight off the bat Chris Jericho comes out as Lionheart which makes sense, but he comes out to "Break The Walls Down" Y2J Chris Jericho and not the theme entrance of "With Custom Tron" [full disclosure this is the only name I could find for this entrance music so it could be completely wrong or hopefully right. But just to cover my back I found it from his WCW; World Championship Wrestling days, but considering at this point the WWE owns all the rights to these other two wrestling promotions, they should have gave him the proper entrance music; come on guys let's try and keep kayfable alive show we and yes I had to learn all of this whilst researching it.] I mean as things are what really makes this look stupid is we have Joey Styles on commentary I am paraphrasing and in a nutshell here he is talking about Lionheart be for Y2J [but then again he is coming out to Y2J's entrance music.] Whilst I am on commentary team for some reason Foley brings up about Styles being emotional and/or Styles thanking people like the WWE for tonight. I mean we have fully making reference again to Styles being emotional after this match. On reflection I hope Foley is getting fed these lines from backstage, but if he isn't this is not cool. I will let it slide this once because it has recently happened, but if it continues on anything then, because I am English I understand subtext this will quickly get the old and it will reflect on my markings.

Now if you have been around wrestling long enough you would know what I'm about to say next isn't being unkind. It is just the way Storm is; he is a wrestler, wrestler a very high quality technical wrestler that brings so much to the table. But he has never been one for the gimmicks and the pedantry of wrestling or any of that.

But having said there are two glitchy moments of wrestling; Jericho performs this Double-under Hook Simplex Pin and as you can see he has let go of the far arm, but quickly adjusts to put his hand on his arm for a count of two. Moving on we have a Cradle Piledriver being attempted by Storm which Jericho reverses and does the Backdrop reversal where Storm should go over the top and onto his back, but in this case he goes over on his front.

Basic Result: The Impact Players [Lance Storm with Justin Credible, Jason Knight & Dawn Marie] pick up the W.

Briefly things to know:

* Mick Foley & Joey Styles: Commentary video replay, discuss the fallout of the previous match and then Styles moves on to the impending invasion of The Anti-ECW Crusaders: RAW & SmackDown Superstars have purchased a balcony of seats [which a camera shot will show you.]

* "Pitbull" Gary Wolf introduces sadly a remembering video package of ECW wrestlers that couldn't be with them tonight because they are no longer with us.

* Stephen Deangelis: Ringer announcer introduces the next match.





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