Wednesday 15 June 2022

The Building of: WWE vs. All Elite Wrestling Volume 39 by AverageMansReview

The Building of: WWE vs. All Elite Wrestling Volume 39 by AverageMansReview

Disclaimer: I am not a medical professional or a psychologist or any other medical personnel or personal of any description, this is just life experience from my perspective and nothing more. If you need any medical assistance please contact the right organisations and if you can speak to your friends or family. Just to clarify if anyone should take this advice or not or just to highlight again any content in this blog I will not be held responsible for any outcome.

WWE: well simply put I can't believe, actually I can believe we are here again, where they have their main event champions in Roman Reigns instead of Brock Lesnar I know Reigns is going to be on this Friday 17/06/2022 SmackDown defending his championships against Riddle. But my point is still valid, unless the main event champion has more of a Internet presence or anything to keep him involved in the WWE product, there is no positive reason to put it on any part-timers and this goes for any championship as well. I should very quickly point out in this particular case as it relates to Reigns I am not angry or frustrated with him taking a new contract with less of a work schedule, he wants to go and do the Hollywood thing or anything, there is up to him and if which is obviously the case you can get a contract which suits him fair enough. My issue is surprise, surprise with the WWE hierarchy for consistently putting us in this position that clearly doesn't work.

Next on to the Ex-WWE Women's Tag Team Champions Sasha Banks & Naomi, even though in the previous paragraph I was against the hierarchy of this company in this particular situation I am with them. Based on the grounds that these two wrestlers were going to get some good screen time and good content to work with, but they couldn't/wouldn't play ball and even if Banks in particular wanted to build something else around their tag team championships at the time. What she should have done is basically saying "Okay Mr McMahon we will do this, but after this plan has been completed, I will come and talk to you about the plan after this and it will involve developing these WWE Women's Tag Team Championships." That way on one hand it makes Banks in particular look good for trying to accommodate whilst hopefully getting what they want, whilst on the other hand if it doesn't go that way it makes them look much better for at least being reasonable and trying to in the long-term develop women's tag team wrestling with in this company  The thing is I know what the hierarchy of this company will do next, because they have a record of doing it, if Banks returns they will just add more and more time on to a contract, possibly leaving her off screen and add more time on. They might show Naomi some leniency just based on her family being in some capacity heavily involved in the WWE machine.

All Elite Wrestling: wow I have to say this is turning out to be a very tough year for this promotion what with one of their founding members in Cody Rhodes defecting back to the WWE, Kenny Omega basically needing a complete shopping list of injuries mended, CM Punk winning the AEW World Championship and then Have a Interim AEW World Champion it because he is injured and now moving on to the two big problems.

MJF and his contract situation; straight off the bat I really wasn't too keen on this individual making references to 2024 [yes right, right at the beginning of this even before it was a thing] and he continuing going it will be a bidding war and saying those kind of things. I don't care if it was in kayfabe or not it just generated go away heat from me. As far as I'm concerned his contract shouldn't be an issue until maybe September of this year, because I have no idea why MJF was kicking up a stink [I know it was down to money,] because this is not how contracts work in the first place. I mean I am in two minds if I want to see him in AEW, because if this is genuine, I don't want someone like him around where you might throw his toys out of the pram, don't get me wrong I can see the value of having him around with his all-round wrestling skills and promo skills, but having said that I wasn't a fan of his pipe bomb promo, don't get me wrong his passion and execution is excellent, but his burial of the talent was too much.

Which this also brings up another problem; speculation on my part just to cover my back; if things are okay between Tony Kahn and MJF now and they are basically making lemonade from lemons from this shoot work or vice versa or something like this then I get it and I am okay with it, but I would recommend caution because just in case this backfires, on a quick side note I was disappointed when Stu Grayson left this promotion, if this does go south again with MJF, I would have preferred to keep Grayson instead [I know he let his contract expire, but I would have made a play to try and keep him] but I digress I mean I have tried to explain to the young wrestling fans that I am okay with this as I have just said I get it, but I am also from the 1980s, which basically means I have seen a previous wrestling promotion do this kind of thing and towards the end of their history it really didn't go too well and I am being pleasant about it, WCW [World Championship Wrestling] had problems backstage I don't know the ins and outs but I do know what they were basically doing it was bringing behind the curtain things to on-screen and man that didn't go at all well towards the end of this promotion's history.

So I hope that Tony and MJF if things are settled they know what they are doing and have an aim for where they want this to go and more importantly finish, so if I had to make this decision to keep MJF  on the books or not, at this current time I would say yes and give him a greatly improved contract when his current one runs out, but I would say to him “ I would like to work with you for the foreseeable future and build something in my promotion, but if you ever  repeat this or something like this situation without my knowledge or put me  in this position again, I don’t care how great you become, I will not tolerate this again.” But then again it does depend if this is a work or a shoot or anything other.

Now we come onto the main reason why this blog exists; Jeff Hardy he never learns he could've been one of the greats and yes he has still had a great career. But he could have been greater, much greater than how things have turned out for him. I stress this; I want him to get his garbage together now, I am not turning my back on him, but as you'll see throughout the rest of this blog, my patience with Jeff is gone, I have been there and heard it all before with him; to be honest and some of you are going to get heavily triggered by the rest of this blog, he will always be associated with his lifestyle outside of the ring, I mean he has done it in every wrestling promotion he has been in, he is a train wreck and at some point he will have to take responsibility for his actions when this was first dictated he is 44 years old, so he doesn't have anyone else to blame but himself. I have heard comments from Booker T I am paraphrasing here where he points the finger at AEW for putting him in these high risk matches since his debut and to a certain extent I will give Booker T. that one. But in the same token as I have just pointed out Jeff Hardy is 44 years old so you know he could have used his mouth to say no or I need to heal up could we not do this back to back. You know give an indication that his age is catching up with him you know like the other veterans of a certain age on the AEW roster, they have the heart and passion to go but physically maybe not so much week in week out and in the interest of fairness and balance if it is true that the WWE offered him rehab alongside a Hall of Fame spot, then they must have picked up on something, but if I am going to continue with this fairness and balance thing, I also need to point out that it is not unheard of for this company to basically discredit a talent on their release, so both of these outcomes may be strangely true kind of a mixture of the two.

You see anyone else on the AEW roster having issues of this nature such as Jon Moxley, I could back him up and support him because speculation on my part he just looked like a wrestler that was burned out, I am not condoning it but when he came back it looks like and felt like on-screen he will do everything in his power not to go back to where he was or another person Scott Hall speculation again it felt like he really, really tried to stay away from substance abuse issues, so it was easy for me to support him, because it felt like he just needed to be picked up again and put on the wagon, consequently he really did try.

But as it relates to Jeff, it just feels like he is a very self-destructive person, yes I don't know him personally, but how many more fresh starts does he want? I mean he has so much more than myself or most people and he is just busy screwing it up not just for himself but his family as well, I mean it isn't Jeff Hardy's life any more, it is his family's life and he is potentially missing all this time from them with his issues on top of being on the road as a professional wrestler does anyway.

Because I have a colourful history myself which I will get onto later and mix that with my knowledge of wrestling let's just say if Jeff doesn't get this sorted now or whilst he is still wrestling, it has the potential to get much worse when he retires from in ring competition, because he won't have the buzz that he gets from performing consequently if he doesn't have something stable or positive to replace that with he will just fall back into his old habits. I mean providing he stayed clean I would offer him and Matt rolls in some capacity at AEW to advise or teach the young blood coming through the door or an on-screen role, because they shouldn't be fully outside of wrestling, because of what they have done individually or together in the wrestling industry.

Before I receive any form of backlash you should read this:

I have brain damage from being born I am a spastic so large amount of my body doesn't function properly

I was a third-generation drinker for 13 years, sober for 14 years and ongoing

Mental health issues on medically approved medication depression 14 years and I have made peace with for the rest of my life

OCD [Obsessive Compulsive Disorder] I would say I had that for a year at the beginning of my mental health, anyone that has experienced of this or deals with it on a daily basis would know when it is on it is on, but if you are lucky enough and it fades over time like mine, it is difficult to remember when it actually completely faded. I used the word faded because it is still in me it just represents itself in a different way for an example I hate ghosting or if I really have to work hard for something like a relationship when the other person isn't interested or anything like this then I will get eventually angry and I will take control of the situation and yes I am a control freak, not of people but I am a pattern depressive which in a nutshell means as long as I am on a pattern of structure without major changes then content, basically when my life, mental health, OCD and structure are under my control things are easier and if I was to meet up with somebody I am okay if they are late as long as they let me know so yes I clearly have OCD or OCD mixed in with a mental illness, but as you can see as long as I don’t feel someone is taking my kindness for a weakness or trying to walk over me then generally speaking it should remain under my control and relatively peaceful.

Ex-hard-core gambler is still like a little flutter but we are talking about much smaller than in my prime

Ex-marijuana take, I have left that stuff behind when I left college I think 18 or 19, I am now when this was first dictated 39.

Going through this global pandemic mostly spending the time in my house.

At the end of the first Lockdown finding out mother has cancer and dealing with everything that comes with my lifestyle and that on top, dealing with her and my mental illness on top of that whilst she goes through chemotherapy as well supporting her in any way possible.

Finally getting to hold as things stand I may be prone to cancer myself at some point in my life, because it is a genetic thing, so I will have to go for a blood test to find out. Not forgetting as it relates to being in the UK I am not very high on women's dating options as things stand it has been 14 years single and because in a nutshell we live in a physical attraction society because I am broken down physically or mentally including not being good-looking I don't get much of a look in or to be more precise I don't get any looking and finally the society in general including politics looks at people like myself and others as dog mess on the bottom of your shoe and they keep us in a very basic lifestyle, which in turn because people to see the UK Government treating people like myself in this way it has this trickle-down effect where, because they do it, it gives the average person the right to do it as well  which means I don’t have a leg to stand on which means I have  to take it on the chin which for 80% of the time I have self-discipline, but there is that 20% where I have had arguments with people in public chasing them or online.

The very clear reason why I'm telling you all of this; is from my perspective if I can keep getting up and going and going and going; I think Jeff Hardy with his options and financial security and support network of family could put in a similar effort, On a quick side note again I would have released Jeff from his AEW contract, but AEW and Tony Kahn are much better people than myself and taken the better route to deal with Jeff in his current situation in short he is getting paid and they are standing by him whilst he receives help, but I digress again; I do to get up every day and fight on without collapsing into my old habits, so if you see on social media I haven't been pleasant I haven't been I'm pleasant either just more like here we go again and I am getting fed up of his rubbish, I have already had one person already say to me I am paraphrasing again " Everyone is different." This may be true and once again I will accept that to a certain extent, but as I have clearly just illustrated this is coming from somebody with a colourful history like mine. I am now finding more and more people [not all to be fair] but a good percentage use that as an excuse for any reason to excuse in a nutshell their thinking process or behaviour and yes some people go down or get knocked down, so you get back up again and say that was a little botch for a little thing and I do stress a little thing and move on and try again; this way this individual takes responsibility and doesn't use it as negative ammunition on themselves.

One final thing; I would strongly recommend people leave Reby Sky [Matt Hardy's wife] alone as it relates to her content on Tick-Tock as it relates to Jeff over this time, I know the prospective she is coming from of; how many more times do we have to go through this? She has been through this kind of thing with Matt as well, so unless you know what it is like to go through this kind of thing time after time day after day, she is fully entitled because she has earned it to do or say what she wants and yes I have seen the content or as of this blog some of the content [just to cover my back and to continue covering my back; just to make you aware I began dictating this Tuesday 14/06/2022 so I haven't been keeping up-to-date when this goes live.]



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