Thursday 16 June 2022

Nobody 2021 by AverageMansReviews

Nobody 2021 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time

Warning: there is flashing effects/colourful effects/stabbing/cutting/shooting/disfigurement/breaking/strangling/squashing/medical/electrocution

Hello Kitty: when this seemingly average man Hutch Mansell/ FBI [Federal Bureau of Investigation] Agent Mantell [Bob Odenkirk] and his family get burgled, he is relatively okay about it until his daughter Abby Mansell [Paisley Cadorath] Hello Kitty bracelet has been also taken from this bowl; this is the final straw for Hutch Mantell as he quickly returns back to his old ways as an Oditor for the agencies with three letters; basically you don't want to see him. The pacing for this 92 minutes film is on the whole good, I mean it does do the quick rotation thing to illustrate the mundane nature of his life thing, so I get it; it has a purpose for doing that so I am not criticising it just pointing it out really,but after this things do get more lively.

The action, art and comedy; well they are high octane action with a reference intentional or not [I don't know] to The A-Team [1983-1987] where Hutch Mansell is booby trapping or making things this location which he was working, but just purchased, the art is where we have authentic blood splatter [I am not going to be too specific about this just in case I miss bit, but they need a good job on this.] Finally and I do have to stress the comedy is the dark nature for a clean example which I can put in this review; there is two examples of Hutch Mansell telling a story on his history in one case trying to remember a small detail correctly to Pavel [Araya Mengesha] bodyguard, this high ranking person in Yulian Kuznetsov [Aleksey Serebryakov] circle or his henchmen/hench-people dying of but Hutch never gets to finish a story whilst they are still alive.

Character developments and performances; the character developments and performances are all good; in particular and a special mention has to go out to our lead role Bob Odenkirk as Hutch Mansell; as his social mask eventually falls to reveal elements of previous personality and skills set which he has been suppressing for years; he has also Nominees for this performance; Critics Choice Super Awards 2022 CCA Super Award; Best Actor in an Action Movie Bob Odenkirk and Hollywood Critics Association Midseason Awards 2021; HCA Award Best Actor Bob Odenkirk Christopher Lloyd as David Mansell; he is the father of Hutch and also an retired FBI Agent which is in a nursing home, it wasn't lost on me that in the final section or somewhere around here that alongside these two characters/performers we have Joey [Adrian McLean,] this friend of Hutch which has been in hiding, which was in the same professional lifestyle as Hutch be for he chose the quiet life. The reason why I'm highlighting this is because at some point in this section we have this legendary and infamous song in the background for a little while and if you are into football/soccer you will know this song very well in particular the Liverpool fans "You'll Never Walk Alone" by Gerry & The Pacemakers, it just seems like a very apt moment in the film where Hatch has his father and friend with him. But to finish this section, I am to say if and I do stress if there was to be a sequel they would have to get this cast back together again, they have found a recipe that clearly works here, so obviously bring new characters/performers in, but as I have just illustrated bring this cast back.

This film receives: 7/10, this film is good; this film is one of those projects that knows what it can provide its viewers which is when things get following absolute chaos. This film also has awards accredited to its name; it has 4 Winners including BMI Film & TV Awards 2021; BMI Film, TV & Visual Media Award; Theatrical Film Award David Buckley. 16 Nominees Critics Choice Super Awards; CCA Super Award; Best Action.

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