Friday 17 June 2022

Jurassic World: Dominion 2022 by AverageMansReviews

Jurassic World: Dominion 2022 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time

Warning: there is flashing effects/colourful effects/electrocution/animal cruelty/animal hunting/animal feeding/shooting/impaling/burning/stabbing/medical

The generations unite: against Biosyn Genetics; it's CEO Dr. Lewis Dodgson [Campbell Scott] which are sending these genetically modified swarms of locusts which are giant; they go around feeding on any crops which are not Biosyn Genetics, so they can hold the world essentially to ransom for the basics for life, such as crops and so on and so forth.

Wow this film, just wow; the more I think about it the more I think they have just in a roundabout way taking elements of the Jurassic Park trilogy, Jurassic World trilogy and for good measure just put in essentially a good slice of Terminator 2: Judgement Day 1991 and put it all in a food blender and this is what it comes out like [yes there are no terminators in this film, but if you have seen all these films I am making reference to including this one I am reviewing right now; you will say I get where he is coming from as it relates to Dr. Maisie Lockwood/Charlotte Lockwood [Isabella Sermon] and John Connor [Edward Furlong] from Terminator 2: Judgement Day 1991, yes they have very different backgrounds, but there are equally both vitally important. The pacing for this 146 minute film is roughly speaking well just to cover my back I am going to say forget the first half, it just dribbles on and on; the second half is much quicker [well it couldn't get much lower,] but let's be positive it gets much quicker and has get up and go to it.

The art and action is clear to see and experience as there is so much of it, but for me in particular any of the underwater sequences have to be given a special highlight for an example and in short Claire Dearing [Bryce Dallas Howard] hiding under water from this dinosaur [the camera shot switches to a straight on, but split by the line of the water] where Claire Dearing is holding her breath, whilst off the line of this water we have this dinosaur trying to work out their prey is here, they [yes on a quick side note I don't know if it was a him or her so I have just gone with they as a single dinosaur] they probably know their prey is there, but they give a dinosaur sound effect and give up.

The character developments and the performances; well they are generally speaking as it relates to these versions of these character developments they are safe and reliable, but however there is a negative and a massive positive; I don't think too much to this Terminator 2: Judgement Day turn of events, if I wanted to watch this I would have watched the this franchise, but on a positive throughout this entire franchise there is one character/performer that brings it to the table every time he is part of an instalment and that would be Dr. Ian Malcolm  [Jeff Goldblum] with his intelligence, down to earth pessimism and sometimes comical comments and yes just for the record there are other comical moments without him in this film. But I guess because I am from England Dr. Ian Malcolm has a very English outlook.

This film receives: 5/10, this film is mixed; on reflection I have decided to award this mark, Because yes the second half is predominantly much better, but on the whole including everything I have said or going to say, this mark just reflects this film better; as I am finishing this review I am trying to find out a simple yes or no to this question; is this the final film to this franchise? On a quick research it is the conclusion to Jurassic Park and Jurassic World. My point for looking this up is because if this is the final film [speculation on my part mixed in with the conclusion words being used.] I hope it isn't because as the person I watched this film with said I am paraphrasing here but basically “They have switched the focus from dinosaurs to this genetic thing." But back to my words now this person is correct the dinosaurs are stuck between the middle to the background of their own film over this other storyline. Let's be honest if and I do stress if this in the end of this franchise in its current form. I have to say on reflection and it is slowly irritating me more and more; this is a very pitiful way for it to end just 29 years from the beginning of this franchise in 1993 to 2022, we deserve something much better than this ending. I see deserve, because we have almost dedicated three decades to this franchise and for it to end the way it does is not satisfying in the slightest as the same person I watched this film with said "It's like the ending is an afterthought, as they had to quickly rapid up." Which I agree with this comment.


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