Thursday 5 May 2022

Turner & Hooch 1989 by AverageMansReviews

Turner & Hooch 1989 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time

Warning: there is flashing effects/colourful effects/animal cruelty/shooting/stabbing

This is not your room: after the murder of Amos Reed [C.J Quinn] it is up to Detective Scott Turner [Tom Hanks] with Amos Reed's dog Hooch [Beasley the Dog] which witnessed the crime, including Investigator Scott Turner's replacement Det. David Sutton [Reginald VelJohnson,] because Scott is leaving/transferring in about a week from Cypress Beach, California to Sacramento. But before Scott leaves he wants to solve this case, if it means cancelling his holiday he will do it to potentially solve this case.

The pacing for this 99 minute film is; well it knows what it is doing from beginning to end and it sticks to that. The character developments are reliably good versions of what they are meant to be; to be a little bit more specific now Scott is meticulous almost to the level of OCD [Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder,] as it will show for an example when he needs to finish painting this room of somebody else's house Dr. Emily Carson [Mare Winningham] she is a veterinary Doctor which has recently moved here to open or takeover this veterinary practice.

The reason why I have brought up the character developments first is because it is the fundamental core of this title, where we have Scott being the way he is and then we have Hooch which is a massive slobbery lovely protective dog [on some research; breed Dogue De Bordeaux] which as you will see doesn't particularly like rules and if not stimulated in the right way he will entertain himself or go and cause some mischief in some fashion. But it is a very good thing that Scott and Hooch are individually or together have strong personalities, they are not bad, but to politely re-educate Hooch, Scott needs to be patient but stern as Scott desperately tries to get Hooch in his car with these dogcatchers restraints around his neck [left by these dogcatchers and just for the record I hate these things around their neck,] but I digress after a good attempt with this crowd watching this contest between man and dog, Scott decides to walk Hooch to this vet. Well I say walk, but Hooch is the only one walking here as Scott is using these dog restrained kindly out of his car window as Hooch is happily and safely walking on the road alongside Scott's car.

On this stakeout; Scott and Hooch spend time communicating; Scott talks, Hooch listens and communicates in his own way; they share a doggie biscuits/treats and discuss other things.

The performances are all good, there is fluent chemistry from everyone involved, but I have to say especially Tom Hanks and Beasley the Dog, because as their characters; it shows that there is more to life than the smallest detail and more often than not there is a good pet in an animal, if you are patient and you work on them.

This film receives: 7/10, this film is good; this is one of those films that you can put on with or without a family unit and watch it for a pleasant Sunday afternoon film. Yes this film has 1 Winner; ASCAP Film and Television Music Awards 1990; ASCAP Award; Top Box Office Films Charles Gross and 1 Nominee Young Artist Awards 1990; Young Artist Award; Best Family Motion Picture - Comedy.


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