Thursday 12 May 2022

Downton Abbey: A New Era 2022 by AverageMansReviews

Downton Abbey: A New Era 2022 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time

Warning: there is flashing effects/colourful effects

Old ending, New beginning: I will begin here; we have a selection of our cast, the heads of this group would be Robert Crawley, 7th Earl of Grantham [Hugh Bonneville] and he is lovely wife Cora Crawley, Countess of Grantham [Elizabeth McGovern] to go and sort out his Mummer's; Violet Crawley, Dowager Countess of Grantham [Maggie Smith] business in the South of France after they got invited here by Marquis de Montmirail [Jonathan Zaccaï] to this villa.

Meanwhile; back at Downton Abbey

Led by Lady Mary Talbot [Michelle Dockery,] she and the remaining staff of Downton Abbey are being accommodating so this film can be made at Downton Abbey, the title of this project is called "The Gambler" Director Jack Barber [Hugh Dancy.]

So as you can clearly see this film has lots happening and more in it, so the pacing for this 125 minute film is excellent, it has to be said when this film breaks down into their groupings [such as the one I have just shown] this film becomes very lively as it can rotate between their groupings and so on, before this; this film as it relates to its pacing is solidly good, so I am not overly criticising it, but I am just saying it feels much better when the pacing can and does stretch its legs.

The art; meaning the scenery, landscapes costume and so on are of the most high standard, they are all neat and tidy and do what they are designed to do which is take its audience from our world in when this review was first dictated 2022 back to a roundabout the 1930s.

Character developments and the performances; likewise this is a cast performance of the highest order, be it the returning performers with their established characters or the newcomers with their new characters there is free-flowing chemistry between everyone involved. There is a consistent elements of comedy established character; Violet Crawley, Dowager Countess of Grantham as her final comedy comment in this sequel are even though I haven't watched the TV program, I have been reassured by the person that watches some films with me and indeed has watched this TV program in its entirety and I have seen these two films that this comedy comment sums her up perfectly. I just can't leave it in this review, but for fans of this franchise I can reassure you she is on top form in this sequel. Now on to a newcomer Myrna Dalgleish [Laura Haddock] she is one of our lead partnership in the film project The Gambler with Guy Dexter [Dominic West] and likewise I can't leave it in this review for obvious reasons, when you come to watch this film you will understand this, but all I can say is she has one problem [just to cover my back, I don't have a problem with this.] Here is the reason why I have discussed these two references don't I can't say, on one hand they are funny and on the other hand they are perfect character summing up or interesting character developments. Generally speaking the character developments are all nicely progressed in one way or another. I think they should try [opinion/speculation I have no idea] they should try and make another film just for the T word, meaning trilogy, from my perspective based on these two films they deserve it, they deserve to bring it to a close as in the entire present franchise on the big screen [I am not saying that there will be another franchise any time soon, but I have been around long enough doing this kind of thing that may be one day they have an idea to come out with a different prequel or sequel series and maybe build it on.]

This film receives: 10/10, this film is top-notch entertainment; after everything is said and done this film title receives this mark and once again when this review was first dictated, it currently it has no accrediting awards in any fashion, but to be honest I very much expect that to change at some point in the future.

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