Sunday 10 April 2022

Average Extra of: Jim Carey Retiring or Not in 2022? by AverageMansReviews

Average Extra of: Jim Carey Retiring or Not in 2022? by AverageMansReviews

Real Talking Time:

Jim Carrey retires? I have just watched an interview with Jim Carrey promoting his latest film; Sonic the Hedgehog 2 2022 and as I suspected yes he is mostly retired, but hearing what he had to say; I would say and I am not putting words in his mouth here, because he goes on to basically say if there was a film out there that needs to be told he would take it on, so I have been using this phrase for some time now, I would say his career as a film and TV star status is actively retired [ this basically means; he is still open to projects, but it has to be the right project or something interesting for him to take on; I would like to think if there were to be any other Sonic live-action films involving Dr. Robotnik/Doctor Eggman he would come back to do them, he has just made this role is very own; he is irreplaceable in this role, but just to cover my back for some time in the future if this becomes necessary; this is speculation on my part.] But in summary and I am paraphrasing he wants to focus more on his art and family time.

I should point out I am not giving you any hope for any future Jim Carrey projects or/and I am not in denial. But I just found it odd when I was told he is retiring and like I have been saying for a couple of days now I can get and completely understand him actively retiring at the age of 60 [as of this blog first being created,] because he has always from an outsider's perspective seemed down-to-earth and not money driven.

So to finish off on a quick side note my source was Access Hollywood YouTube video uploaded 01/04/2022 where he says these things, so there is one final thing to say; this isn't farewell Jim Carrey just thanks for you’re bigger than life personality and nature and hopefully see you around sometime.

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