Wednesday 13 April 2022

Average Extra of: How come there isn't more of an outrage towards Jada Pinkett Smith by AverageMansReviews

Average Extra of: How come there isn't more of an outrage towards Jada Pinkett Smith by AverageMansReviews

Real Talking Time:

Warning/Disclaimer: this is a courtesy warning I will most probably trigger someone out there with what I am about to say or at some point in this blog so take this the warning. Disclaimer I am not a psychological or medical expert, so my opinions are based on life experience and what I see in this situation.

So briefly if you want to get up-to-date press on this link Average Extra of: Will Smith strikes Chris Rock at the 94th Academy Awards 2022

Like it or not this is how I see things; now on research for this blog for out the past week or so [because I have to work on other content] I have seen such manure circling this toxic relationship after this incident such as from Jada Pinkett Smith putting on her Instagram " This is a season for healing and I'm here for that." What utter garbage, so your husband pretty much ruins the best night of his career ever, he strikes one of his longest friends on a massive public stage [because you indicated you didn't find his joke funny, but then after Will striking him you found this funny, but because of this incident, it financially worked out all right for Chris Rock as his latest tour tickets sold have gone up by at least 48%, I must stress this would be old data/information so it is more than likely higher than this,] the police get called to your home because of a drone sighting, he resigns from The Academy Awards, his career takes a hit as film projects get put on hold, The Academy Awards ban him for 10 years because of this incident [which is a pointless and trivial punishment considering Will has already resigned. I mean the only suitable punishment was to take his Oscar away from him.] You belittle your husband in a video where he clearly doesn't want you to record him and you make reference to potentially/speculation on my part may be a councillor coming to sort the situation out in this video and Will checks himself into a rehab facility [speculation on my part again, but just for a break most probably, which I couldn't blame him.]

So have I got everything in almost the right order here Jada? [I know some of these situations happened after this statement on her Instagram post.] But however it still makes a good point. Where she hasn't lost anything of great significance, because Will Smith is financially the big fish/big star here and now I am not speaking from a chauvinist prospective, yes Jade has been in three out of the four Matrix Films and done other projects/TV and has her own alternative music band, but the fact remains that Will Smith has been a mainstayer in popular culture for the vast majority of his life/career be it TV, film or music.

Unfortunately we come to the big point I want to make and I know full well some people out there are going to hate this point; yes Will Smith needs to take responsibility for what he has done, but I don't like it how people generally speaking are taking it so easy on Jade when it is clearly domestic abuse from her to him by the name of coercive behaviour which on reflection would explain this public outburst from Will Smith in this incident and after with his award speech. Now yes I will repeat myself I am not a psychological or medical expert, but I have some experiences with psychological abuse from women and being in a relatively short coercive behaviour relationship myself [which because of my mental health and the situation at the time, I couldn't see it because I was relatively new into having mental health issues anyway but to realise many, many years later what this individual was doing,] so I recognise when I see it when I dictated/wrote the previous connecting blog to this one, I was unaware of their relationship dynamic to this level, I mean I knew she had the pants on in this relationship which works for some relationships which isn't coercive behaviour it is just how some people's relationships work, but in this case it is clearly coercive behaviour on some levels.

The uncomfortable truth is if it was Will behaving in this coercive behaviour towards Jada the outrage would be merciless and the Cancel culture would not stop until they had achieved their aim to ruin Will. So I say this in a comparison perspective why is it okay for a woman to be like this and yes she may receive some backlash, but if the shoe was on the other foot Will wouldn't have a leg to stand on? I mean this is why men struggle to come forward on any form of abuse I mean based on my personal experience be it anywhere real-life or the computer landscape even when I try to stand up for myself, we have painted a culture where they can flip on the weak female role routine or they believe I have no right to talk to them like that because they are a woman and I will finish it on this line it is 2022, if you want equality which is fair enough but it also comes with strings attached meaning if you want to be seen or treated as the same, you cannot get away with things that other people in this case men cannot do.[Just to cover back I am not condoning any domestic violence regardless of the combination or type of the relationship in question.]

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