Thursday 14 April 2022

Lone Survivor 2013 by AverageMansReviews

Lone Survivor 2013 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time

Warning: there is shooting/medical/chopping/hacking/beheading/shooting/stabbing/disfigurement. If you have or connected to anyone serving their country at this moment in time, nothing against this film, but maybe this film isn't for you right now.

This act of kindness has a incredibly high price to pay: this Navy Seal unit get sent in to Afghanistan to capture a Taliban local warlord by the name of Ahmad Shah, but this mission gets compromised when this unit gets discovered by these Taliban civilians [if I upset anyone here, I am just trying to walk the political tightrope here, so I quickly and obviously apologise for any hurt I have caused here.] These three people are basically shepherds herding their goats, so they capture them and then discuss what they are going to do with them, so after a lengthy discussion Lieutenant Michael P. "Murph" Murphy [Taylor Kitsch] takes control of the situation and lays down what is going to happen involving letting them go and aborting this compromised mission calling for an evacuation, but things so didn't go down this way.

The pacing for this 121 minutes film is good, it knows what it is doing and it smoothly and efficiently gets on with it. Now just based on this film, it shows the Taliban people of all kinds be it civilian or not to be nothing but savages or seemed to revel in war as this one individual can't wait to get back home to inform the necessary people that these US Navy Seals are here, if it seems like I am being somewhat harsh by your opinions, let me just point out that these US Navy Seals did discuss shooting them, but as Hospital corpsman First Class Marcus Luttrell [Mark Wahlberg] I am paraphrasing here there rules of engagement in a nutshell say no shooting civilians.

But when the shoe is on the other foot; I am going to put this as nicely as I can when  Sonar technician Second Class Matthew "Axe" Axelson [Ben Foster] reached the end of his life, he was in very bad shape going to die and defenceless so this Taliban soldier shot him dead, he missed with his first short and nearby close range, but didn't miss with the second, this was not a mercy killing this was clearly shooting somebody for the hell of it and as I have already pointed out he was defenceless so it wasn't like this soldier had a militarily reason to shoot him. I would have left him in the sun and against this tree to enjoy the very limited time he had left so what I am suggesting is all this soldier had to do was get up and turn around and walk the hell away.

Obviously this is not a comedy, but there are some small moments of comedy such as this Afghanistanin child learning the difference between a duck and a knife when it really matters this.

The character developments and the performances are all good, this is where I feel it is important to point this out; this code of honour used by the Afghanistanin; Pashtunwali is a way of life and code of honour requires a tribe protect an individual from his enemies at any cost, this is just a brief outline there is more at the very closing stages of this title. I was just thinking I would put this in for balance so it cannot be deemed or be seen as a racist, because I have spoken about the evil that Taliban do, but I am also highlighted what the Afghanistanin people can do what so.

This film receives: 6/10, this film is good; it tells a tragic story with smooth movement throughout; so not surprising this film has 6 winners awards to its name; for two examples Broadcast Film Critics Association Awards 2014; Critics Choice Award; Best Action Movie [at the same event/award ceremony] Best Actor in an Action Movie Mark Wahlberg. 16 nominations for two examples; not one but two Academy Award 2014 Oscars; the first is; Best Achievement in Sound Mixing Andy Koyama Beau Borders David Brownlow and the second is; Best Achievement in Sound Editing Wylie Stateman.

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