Saturday 8 January 2022

DC's Batwoman [Season 3,] Episode 44: How Does Your Garden Grow? by AverageMansReviews

DC's Batwoman [Season 3,] Episode 44: How Does Your Garden Grow? by AverageMansReviews

Review Time:

5 things about this episode

Warning: there is flashing/other effects/medical/disfigurement/transformation/torture/burning/hanging/suicide

The seeds of truth grow deep, finally blossom long and strong: Comedy, Character [Character developments,] Art and Action; all of these components combined in one way or another. Straight off the bat I could only pick 4 other things to discuss so I had to miss out the storyline, as it relates to the comedy it holds greater importance; in the Batcave; we have Dr Hamilton handcuffing herself to this heavy looking Batcave computer hardware [Wilder and Fox turn round with Beth Kane/Alice roughly standing a little distance behind Wilder's back but has a clear view to this dialogue exchange between Wilder and Dr Hamilton.] Where Wilder asks "What are you doing? [As Dr Hamilton completes handcuffing herself] where in a nutshell she gives this logical response, but however you are listening out for "I am a threat to everyone" because as she lay she says this you see Beth Kane/Alice from where she is standing mouthing and pointing to herself "So am I" so even after this really drammatical dialogue/speech we still have Beth Kane/Alice breathing out and looking at her cuticles and giving off the impression " This is no big drama or worry, I have been mentally unstable four years." With her putting her hand down and looking as this is a daily occurrence; considering she has spent quite a lot of time at Arkham Asylum this sadly may be true as she is looking out of the camera shot for something more interesting.

Now sometime later we have Wilder/Batwoman and Fox/Batwing entering Gotham City Botanical Gardens which has quite recently had mother nature give it a hand to grow moving on a little we see this duo individually get the manure kicked out of them by this new super villain by the name of Poison Ivy better known as Dr Mary Hamilton.

This episode receives: 10/10, this episode is lots of fun; now once again it is down to Beth Kane/Alice to be the driving force in this episode, without giving too much away but finishing off this review she is a comical genius and then you have the impact of Dr Hamilton/Poison Ivy II and finally it is really good to see Wilder/Batwoman and Fox/Batwing get some justified boot to posterior treatment.


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