Sunday 12 September 2021

Blown Away 1994 by AverageMansReviews

Blown Away 1994 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time

Warning: there are flashing effects/regurgitating/stabbing/shooting/terrorism/animal cruelty/suicide/burnt character

Storyline/Characters [Character developments,] Comedy, Performances, Action and Art: these components go hand-in-hand in one way or another; the storyline is something safe and reliable and the same can be said for the pacing. But back to the storyline; we have Gaerity/Jones escaping Castle Glegh Prison Northern Ireland and heads to Boston USA and when he gets there he comes across a news bulletin and it is about the individual that was responsible for him spending 20 years in prison. But this individual has a different name and explosive life now; he was back in the day known as Liam McGivney, where under this name he took part in acts of terrorism, but nowadays he is known as Lieutenant Jimmy Dove and works within their bomb disposal unit and portrayed by Jeff Bridges.

The comedy; at some point in this project Gaerity/Jones sends this videotape message where basically he discusses what Lieutenant Dove/Jeff Bridges used to do, but he does it in a serious fashion but with a comical tone as well as he dresses up as these basic things for one example a mask of the Statue of Liberty and on top of that does the voice work for this other character which he is having this conversation with as well [which is giving more information about Lieutenant Dove/Jeff Bridges away.] The performances are; what they are you know they serve their purpose, but here is something for you to look out/hear out for Jeff Bridges and Tommy Lee Jones; both have Irish accent issues and yes I am aware that they have to hide it or in the case of Gaerity/Jones he is speaking in Irish as in their language so it is to be expected, but away from that to begin with Gaerity/Jones speaking English with an Irish accent is a bit messy, but you do get better at it and towards the end when it is just Gaerity/Jones and Lieutenant Dove/Jeff Bridges [in Gaerity's hideout] Lieutenant Dove/Jeff Bridges speaks with this really noticeable Irish accent, you know one of those Irish accents that you could play it down a bit, but at the end of the day you should have had an Irish twang at the very least that all times and even when he speaks to Officer Max O'Bannon [Ret.]/Lloyd Bridges which is another Irish character he doesn't even speak with an Irish accent and after this situation has been taken care of he talks as normal without the Irish accent. [On a quick side note; the person I watched this film with noticed on Gaerity's car he had numberplates which said " Mad Max" as to illustrate that Officer Max O'Bannon [Ret.] and Gaerity are indeed father and son, there is something else that supports this theory in this film, but that would be giving too much away and yes if you were wondering O'Bannon knows everything about triangle as well between himself, Liam McGivney/Lieutenant Jimmy Dove and Gaerity, so I have no idea why Lieutenant Dove/Jeff Bridges doesn't speak with an Irish accent with at the very least.

Action and Art; Gaerity/Jones builts these bombs and the final two in this project are creative from an art perspective as well as the first one uses this sequence of events method where this little metal ball goes from here to there to there [if you are old enough to remember the board game and consequently children's game show Mousetrap UK 1990-1991 it uses that method; it had a segment on the children's TV program Motormouth UK 1988-1992] but I digress the second is a car bomb we get to see inside the car and how things get started and this miniature clown which is a part of this bomb

This film receives: 4/10, this film is mixed; to be precise it knows what it is from beginning to end and it sticks to that, this film also received two Nominations for Awards; MTV Movie + TV Awards 1995; Best Villain Tommy Lee Jones and Best Action Sequence For the escape from exploding ship.



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