Tuesday 3 August 2021

Pay-Per-View Rewind of: WCW Bash at the Beach 16/07/1995 Match 1/Part 1 by AverageMansReviews - Spoiler Alarm!

Pay-Per-View Rewind of: WCW Bash at the Beach 16/07/1995 Match 1/Part 1 by AverageMansReviews - Spoiler Alarm!

Disclaimer: I am not or never likely to be a professional wrestler

Chosen by: Me; basically after watching my previous pay-per-view of Pay-Per-View Rewind of: WWE WrestleMania Backlash 16/05/2021 and it being in short hard work to watch and it really took my interest and became more and more like a chore [I will go back to the modern era of wrestling at some point but just for now I will give it a rest,] so I went looking for something which looked like fun and as we are in the summer I eventually settled on this pay-per-view here.

Background information: we have this start of this pay-per-view highlighting these two high-calibre matches in short; Flair vs. Savage in a Lifeguard Match, but the voice-over guy [he says this pay-per-view and this pay-per-view sponsor Slim Jim;] he gets interrupted by Savage [he comes on screen in a square with a Slim Jim moving/repeating graphic] and tells us what he is going to do in this match; also promotes this pay-per-view's sponsor Slim Jim which Savage is also a long, long, incredibly long spokesperson/sponsor of as well. Then the voice-over guy continues with this match Hogan with [Jimmy Hart] Defending his WCW World Heavyweight Championship against Vader in a Steel Cage match with this graphic and sound effect of a cage coming together over the top of these pictures/people on screen; then we have Schiavone and Heenan  welcoming us this pay-per-view and talking about what is in store and building it up, then we move on to this video package with this ominous voice-over guy [I don't know, but I am comfortable to suggest that these two voice-over guys are the one and the same] building up Meng and then this interview with interviewer "Mean" Gene Okerlund and Sting building up this match and crowd. The reason why I am saying all of this is to make this very point; this is how the WWE should begin their pay-per-views, it is quick, yes a lot of information but if they rattle through this information, it should build things up and gives the pay-per-view in question enthusiasm to start with and build upon throughout the rest of it.

Match/Stipulations: "The Mighty" Meng [with Colonel Robert Parker] vs. the WCW United States Heavyweight Championship Sting: Singles Match for the WCW United States Heavyweight Championship

Match Attributes:

Match Quality: 7/10

Match Storyline: 7/10

Crowd Participation: 7/10

On Commentary: Tony Schiavone & Bobby "The Brain" Heenan  7/10

Satisfying Conclusion: 7/10

Recommend Watch: 7/10

Match Total: 42/60 - this match is good

Comments: as I have already said this match is good; it does what it is designed to do and that is get the crowd engaged and up for the action which this pay-per-view has in store and there is no quicker way to achieve this then have a hometown wrestler comes out in this case very close to where this pay-per-view is being held [Huntington Beach, Southern California;] Sting is from Venice Beach California. Now if the WWF/WWE commentary table had said something like this I would have most definitely brought up what I'm about to say, so fair is fair here; it is Schiavone builds up Sting [the connections between these two locations in California, his interview with  Okerlund just before this match] and in Sting's entrance.

So in the ring with introductions going on by this legendary ring announcer in the world of boxing and wrestling Michael Buffer with his likewise legendary and iconic quote of "Let's get rrrrrrrrrrrrrready to rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrummmmblllllllllllle!"And not forgetting he also voiced his own character in a Simpsons Season 8, Episode 3: The Homer They Fall and he has done other film, TV and voice work as well; on a little bit of research we have another ring announcer as well his name is David Penzer. But I digress; Schiavone says "Its certainly a Stinger hometown type crowd and jammed here everywhere from Southern California." I did think this was slightly a bit comical, because as you can see/read it isn't like they haven't made this crystal clear already, so Schiavone says what he says it's like "We have already joined the dots there Schiavone, we get it Sting has come back to his home area." Baywatch gets mentioned on commentary by Schiavone because they are some WCW wrestlers are in an upcoming episode Season 6: Episode 15: Bash at the Beach and they are using some of their camera people on this pay-per-view.

On reflection without giving too much away this match/match slot conclusion could only really end this way, based on Haku the person behind in this case Meng here; has/had made a reputation of being in kayfabe or in real life of being very hard; as in someone that you don't want to massively irritate them, so in a kayfabe sense it is absolutely fine if he no sells any offence/or sells a little or his opponent has to come up with an idea for a quick pin-fall just to pick up the W. Sting tries a Hurricanrana with pin and the wrestling mechanics is okay, but this is speculation it takes both of them to pull off this sequence as this sequence seems to slow down [when you come to watch this match you will know the spot I am talking about, I am not criticising it on one hand I am amazed they pulled it off and safely for those people that have seen this match I know Sting executes the Scorpion Deathlock and yes he to has compensate for Ming/Haku size and mass, but in this spot with this Hurricanrana with pin they really have to work together whilst on the other hand this highlights how well built Ming/Haku. I mean I know I have not seen much of Haku's work with any characters, maybe a grain of salt or not, but to be honest I have I haven’t seen it or I have forgotten, but either way as I have already made reference to his reputation precedes him.

Basic Result: the WCW United States Heavyweight Championship Sting Retains his WCW United States Heavyweight Championship.

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