Thursday 26 August 2021

DC's Batwoman [Season 2,] Episode 22: Prior Criminal History by AverageMansReviews

DC's Batwoman [Season 2,] Episode 22: Prior Criminal History by AverageMansReviews

Review Time:

5 things about this episode

Warning: there is flashing/other effects/scarring/stabbing/animal cruelty/medical/flesh wound

Ryan Wilder or Ryan Wilder/Batwoman is rapidly becoming highly irritating: Character [Character developments,] Comedy, Action and Diary now at one point or another these components combined.

I mean don't get me wrong [full disclosure when I am watching YouTube I have seen thumbnails suggesting/telling that this version of  Batwoman is worse than its predecessor [Kate Kane; Kate Kane/Batwoman Season 1] which you would think that would take some doing? But you and I would be wrong, because everything about this character is grating on me from her dropping this line in a conversation with Agent More "That if Alice weren't white she'd would be dead." Which I am just going to say it; as it is; instead of pointing out this fact in a fictional TV program or anywhere else for that matter especially when another incident may/probably/more than likely/certainly going to happen again in the future, here is just a suggestion instead of clinging onto your constitutional right to bear arms which is hundreds of years old, how about you modify that constitutional right to reflect the modern world. Because as far as I can see it this comment at this point is just an empty comment, because it could be watching another TV program that makes a similar comment/point a decade down the line and it could still just hold the same value of being very little based on the grounds okay you can say it and yes it is fact, but until things change; you're just going to go round and around in circles, which consequently means other minorities or problems are going to continuously get neglected and left behind as it relates to a similar standing in our societies.

Moving on to the Comedy Wilder/Batwoman standing high on Wayne Enterprises/Wayne Tower giving the speech where in a nutshell she is basically giving the speech of "Thank you for your support, but go home" with this bumbling approach, but it isn't funny. You know when you are watching a film or a TV program and there is a clear attempt of comedy, but it feels unnatural and forced consequently it falls flat on its face. I am hoping this stops, because if it doesn't they may as well just line up the tumbleweed right now.

Action; Wilder/Batwoman vs. Alice; this action sequence is good.

Diary; why the hell are they bringing this back? Because if my memory is correct they stopped making this a thing, I am speculating here may be roughly a quarter away through the previous Season, in all honesty I can't remember, but what I can remember is; it was quickly forgotten about.

This episode receives: 4/10, this episode is mixed; I am going to give you a very quick heads up; this feels like a very strong déjà vu where I am going to be glowingly positive about Alice in every way possible as an ever present and there may be some other things down the line as well but other than that expect generally speaking the same kind of negativity as from Season 1.


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