Tuesday 24 August 2021

DC's Batwoman [Season 2,] Episode 21: What Happened to Kate Kane? by AverageMansReviews

DC's Batwoman [Season 2,] Episode 21: What Happened to Kate Kane? by AverageMansReviews

Review Time:

5 things about this episode

Warning: there is flashing/other effects/medical/scarring/flesh wound

Who is Ryan Wilder?: Well we have the Storyline [Origin] and Character [Character developments] combining here. So let me answer this question; Who is Ryan Wilder? Full disclosure from the outset I have no idea who she is in a comic book sense; I mean this is absolutely true for some reason before I began dictating this; I went to go and make sure this character does come from the comic books so without clicking on it I found this ["Ryan Wilder In The 'Batwoman' Comics Is a Much Different Than."] Which having spent two seconds to think about it in great hindsight I knew this because I had seen and heard a little bit about other people's content. I didn't want to watch too much or read too much, because I didn't want or don't want my opinion to be tainted and just for the record I am incredibly difficult to influence if someone was to give me their opinion.

I went and did all of this today [when this was first being dictated,] because on one hand I am glad she is much different in the comic books whilst on the other hand she is somehow worse than Kate Kane/Ruby Rose. I mean Kate Kane/Ruby Rose was mostly like to be fair 85% of the time irritating and infuriating, but there was 15% of the time where at minimum it worked to more like this please.

But now we have Ryan Wilder/Batwoman which is something much more irritating and that is just dull and boring. I should explain myself; you see irritating and infuriating are negative emotions or mind-sets, but dull and boring I feel nothing for her, because this Arrowverse of her comes off as quite babyish "it's like me saying there, there to a child as I am dealing with the situation, actually if it was a child I would most definitely have more of a emotional response; basically "Get her off my TV so we can get back to something hopefully more interesting." I mean I may as well just come out and say it all they have done here is widened their target demographic; well that is a quick way to get more viewers to watch your TV programming, regardless if it is any good or not that is another question.

Batmobile: we have the Art and Action also complaining here as we get to experience this legendary vehicle in all of its glory; Elliot/Hush/Wayne is chasing down Wilder in her van which is also her home [one of those old Volkswagen vans; just to cover my back this is just a rough description.]

This episode receives: 3/10, this episode is poor; I am already getting the feeling that Alice and any other villain or evildoer connected to her is the only reason I should be watching or continuing to watch this Second Season, she is supremely infinitely, basically she is in a completely different stratosphere [on a the evildoers side of things she is at the top of the pyramid,] but on our vigilante or protect and serve side of things they are just a pack of playing cards [I would have liked to say a pyramid of cards, but that would be an insult to a pyramid made out of playing cards.

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