Tuesday 24 August 2021

Airplane II: The Sequel [alternative name Flying High II: The Sequel] by AverageMansReviews

Airplane II: The Sequel [alternative name Flying High II: The Sequel] by AverageMansReviews

Review Time

Warning: I should just say this to cover my back; if I bring up anything it is just based on the fact it is in this film and if you are of a sensitive nature like a snowflake I wouldn't recommend you watch this film as this film when this review/blog was first dictated it is roughly 39 years old; there is flashing/colourful effects/suicide/drugs/beastie allergy insinuation/under age sexual for an example someone the religious faith looking at inappropriate material/medical/terrorism

Storyline/Characters [Character developments]/Comedy/Action/Performances: these components at one point or another combined. The storyline is good; firstly and ongoing we have this romantic situation between Striker/Heys and Dickinson/Hagerty; Ex's again with this storyteller with shimmery effects from Striker/Heys over Macho Grande or the basic recap of the previous film project Aeroplane! 1980 or this court case to prove that he is clinically insane to discredit his opinions and facts that this shuttle [Mayflower One] is not fit for space travel, because it has something majorly wrong with it [yes I know what it is, but I don't want to give too much away.] The pacing is likewise good and we have some parodies the likes of the Star Wars franchise [the words rolling up and away into the distance] and Star Trek the 1966 original TV series/era [with the sliding doors reference, I know my next point is not a parody and likewise the next one after that isn't either but I am just trying to group them together a moment/scene of USS Enterprise [NCC-1701,] we also have William Shatner as Commander Buck Murdock. Shatner as this character should be and is the only reason why you should want to watch this sequel, because before his entrance into this sequel, the pacing is as I have already said good, but the contents of this sequel is just the same kind of stuff, but to a suck air through your teeth level; you know or you should know by now I am not a snowflake, but even I have to say this project hasn't aged well at all and yes the other performances are safe and reliable.

But Shatner as Commander Buck Murdock, you really does make a colossal impact on to proceedings, be it as he is having this meltdown about these lights and so on or trying to instruct Striker/Heys to land Mayflower One, even though he is completely oblivious to the current situation happening behind him or even when Mayflower One has landed [a rocky landing on Luna Base, Alpha Beta] he is still on coms [through this handset which is rectangle and on a wire and you have to press on this button on the side down to talk and take off your finger to listen; it is one of those old CB radio ones] giving instructions and giving inspirational monologue [on a quick side note Shatner as Commander Buck Murdock involved in the after credits sequence.]

This film receives: 5/10, this film is mixed; to put this simply I had to give this project another mark just based on the impact of Shatner as Commander Buck Murdock

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