Sunday 7 February 2021

DC's Batwoman [Season 1,] Episode 9: Crisis on Infinite Earths: Part Two by AverageMansReviews

DC's Batwoman [Season 1,] Episode 9: Crisis on Infinite Earths: Part Two by AverageMansReviews

Review Time:

5 things about this episode

Warning: there are flashing effects/other effects/electrocution

Storyline: it is excellent; there is so much happening.

Where did this Kate Kane come from? This is a completely different character from her regular episodes, this one is three-dimensional and a joy to be around. I am really disappointed I now have to go back to the regular scheduled episodes standard where I really don't like this character; no I really truly don't like this character in fact I am now becoming more and more angry. Based on the grounds if we had this Kate Kane consequently Kate Kane/Batwoman, her Twin Sister Beth Kane/Alice and her Stepbrother Jonathan "Johnny" Cartwright/Mouse it would have been fantastic.

I cannot say this enough; this is a completely different Kate Kane. I mean if they used this Kate Kane in her own TV program it wouldn't have got absolutely slaughtered by the general public in its First Season, don't get me wrong they have lots to fix, but at least things would have been easier to swallow.

Maps of Planets: the viewers get to see these maps of Planets in one way or another; this is eye-catching art.

Baby Jonathan Kent: we have The Monitor trying to tell these characters this very important information, but poor baby Jonathan Kent cannot settle down and is really unhappy, he is crying so he continuously interrupts The Monitor whilst he is talking; Jonathan gets past down this line of characters as they try to settle him down in their arms minus Kane [she looks down at the floor first subtly yet firmly says Nope and simultaneously crosses her arms] so Danvers gives him to Rory; Jonathan settles down straight away [Kent giving the look of "Why can't I get that reaction from my son" and Rory has a smile on his face with and then Lane, Kent, Danvers looking down the line at him with Lane saying quietly. "Go" with hand movements as well as in go somewhere quiet; Rory gets the message and takes him somewhere quiet with Lane [with facial expressions of subtle surprise mixed with interesting;] this feels like naturally good comedy from everyone involved.

This episode receives: 10/10, this episode is top-notch entertainment; this episode has lots to offer, I now have to go and update the following episode review, because at the time I didn't realize until it dawned on me when I was looking at the next episode of the previous episode I just watched, then I remember we from the UK weren't going to see this episode so I purchased the box set of Season 1 online which has this episode in it.



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