Monday 8 February 2021

DC's Batwoman [Season 1,] Episode 10: How Queer Everything Is Today! by AverageMansReviews

DC's Batwoman [Season 1,] Episode 10: How Queer Everything Is Today! by AverageMansReviews

Review Time:

5 things about this episode

Warning: there are flashing effects/other effects/face scarring

Storyline/Acceptance: now these two components go hand-in-hand; be it from the storyline perspective or acceptance [character developments] perspective, generally speaking the storyline is okay.

But I am now at minimum or as things are going it is 99.9% certain I'm going to bury this first season alive now, in short this TV program will have to do so much, so, so much to change my opinion of it and yes I am within my rights to say these things because I have a mental illness myself.

So this TV program has been pushing since day one about being lesbian or bisexual and everything to do with that yes? In fact they have made it crystal clear this is the focus of this TV program right and just for the record I have no problem with generally speaking; any sexual or gender or any of that; everyone with me so far?

But I feel and it looks like that this TV program takes a massive dump on mental health and it really does push the sexuality acceptance which if you're pushing sexual acceptance you should be pushing mental health illness acceptance not put it under many buses in this TV program or in this episode under the bus, because it doesn't fit the narrative you're trying to present.

Now if you are new to my content or a recurring reader to my content you should know by now I have evidence to support what I am saying just watched this episode and you'll understand, but to be a little bit more specific now.

There is this dialogue exchange between Beth Kane/Alice and Kate/Batwoman where Beth Kane/Alice explains her actions and they are gifts to her Sister [I will not tell you too much about that, because that would be giving too much of the storyline away,] but in Beth Kane/Alice's mind it makes perfect sense, it is one of those occasions where even a decent person would go "Beth/Alice has excellent reasons, from a broken person's perspective."

Just get Kate Kane/Batwoman off my TV I have really massive problems with her, because in a nutshell; Beth Kane/Alice emotionally asks [with Alice turning back into Beth Kane naturally and fluently at the same time] her to accept her for who she is? And I was absolutely fuming at her response "We were sisters and then Beth died and the world would have been a better place if she had stayed dead." With Beth Kane saying "I don't believe you" I must stress she doesn't get the end of this sentence out with Beth going to rub her Sister affectionally on the cheek, but Kate grabs her wrist and on hearing a police vehicle siren Kate Kane says quietly [whilst her head is turned] "What did she do?"[Beth Kane instantly turning back into Alice] saying again "What did she do?!"

This is why I am absolutely fuming; Kate Kane or Kate Kane/Batwoman had this excellent opportunity to try and reach her Twin Sister on some level as she was in this vulnerable moment as Beth as Kate Kane/Batwoman highlights earlier on in this scene "You’re sick."

So highlighting again the fact you know she is sick and at the moment you can see and feel Beth taking off her almost unbreakable hood and cloak known as Alice, why would you then verbally take this knife and plunge it into her heart with these words "We were sisters and then Beth died and the world would have been a better place if she had stayed dead." You may as well continuously stab, stab, go on stab that knife right into Beth's heart; tell her more devastating things go on I mean you may as well finish off the job that you're Father started many years ago; so that Beth can be laid to rest at this point it would be the most kindest and most loving thing her biological family has done for her for countless years, so by extinguishing Beth's flame on her candle it would free Alice to live her life in crazy chaos; yes she would be absolutely crazy chaos but at least she would be crazy happy on some level instead of waiting for her Twin Sister and Father to hug and love her for who she is, who knows if they did that Beth may go and willingly seek help for her mental state; this would involve spending many years at Arkham Asylum, but she would have her Twin Sister and Father back in her life.

Come on this is getting boring now, when are any of the Kane's or any relating character or anybody yes at this point I will take anybody going to wake up and realize they left Kate Kane behind as a child, so originally they failed her; they have never been the victims, they are not the victims; they are facing the repercussions of their failure on a grand scale and in fairness and balance what Mary Hamilton has recently experienced is just a casualty of that, I am not saying that Kate Kane/Alice is innocent far from it, I am not that stupid or blind I can see and acknowledge that Beth Kane/Alice has done heinous things as well.

But it is driving me crazy; this TV program is trying to push the idea now that Beth Kane/Alice is just the one in the wrong which is strongly not the case. I mean we have her Twin Sister Kate has chosen the side of her Stepsister Mary Hamilton. Which I just find so wrong, just throwing someone away because they are broken and then replacing them with someone which is not broken is just despicable behaviour. Kate Kane may as well say "I have spent all this time looking for you, but now I have met you again and what I've seen I don't like, so you can go away again." I can't stress how much this is irritating me because originally this entire situation was not Beth Kane's fault, but now she is the only one as Beth Kane/Alice everyone is putting the blame on.

But this is all okay as long as we make sexuality or anything from this field into this acceptance narrative. To be honest this TV program has just a simulated a general public perception; if someone is broken somehow or isn't up to the cosmetic perfection standard you just throw them away and replace them with someone that isn't or you say the smallest salt crystal wrong about somebody's sexuality with the intention or not and there is this massive outcry, whilst on the other hand anyone says anything wrong about mental health with the intention or not and nothing is said, sexuality or mental health it is a part of who we are as people or however you would like to be identified as but they are drastically seen and dealt with as two different planes of existence [one gets the penthouse treatment, whilst the other gets the doghouse outside in the rain.]

This feels like one of those occasions where I just need to cover my back, about the penthouse and doghouse analogy. I am aware that those sexuality, gender and others have came a long way and it still is a struggle, but in comparison to mental health illnesses and physical disabilities are about 50 years behind you and it doesn't look to be getting better any time soon, it looks to be going backwards instead of forwards; when this was first dictated in 2020 [yes I also have a physical disability,] so I mean absolutely no disrespect by my analogy.

Captain America: yes this Marvel character gets mentioned twice in this episode.

Train rescue: Kate/Batwoman is on her new Batbike and she fires these accessories which act as hooks to bring this train to a stop; this is a highly imaginative action sequence.

This episode receives: 5/10, this episode is mixed; even though I have torn this episode to shreds; the only reasons why I am still continuing to watch this TV program is because I began it so I am going to finish it and Beth Kane/Alice and Jonathan "Johnny" Cartwright/Mouse are the only ones I am sticking around for and let me speculate here, because I haven't seen the next episode [but I have seen pictures] or episodes Kate Kane comes to realize at some point that Beth Kane/Alice there is still some good in her and is worth saving, it is how these characters developments have been written which gives it away; I mean I could have told her that some episodes ago, but then again Kate Kane does come across as really selfish and only concerned about herself as she has already shown in this episode using that dialogue exchange, if you haven't guessed I don't care how Kate Kane or Kate Kane/Batwoman is feeling; she has had it easy compared to her Twin Sister, what was needed here is Kate Kane from the crossover [Episode 9: Crisis on Infinite Earths: Part Two,] yes even though Kate Kane/Batwoman doesn't suit up in this crossover I feel really comfortable suggesting that crossover version from the previous episode is galaxies far, far, so far away from this one being used in her own TV program in fact where did she go? Please come back as soon as possible; in short I now feel we are getting short-changed, from the previous episode we can see/feel what she could have been like instead of what we have been left which is nothing but a self-serving cold person and on a quick side note there is half of this Season/10 Episodes still to go.

I have to say thank you to the writers for making it 100% transparent that mental health means absolutely nothing compared to sexuality or anything from this field, I mean I knew it anyway. But there is nothing quite like it being played out in a TV program for everyone to see and consequently shoved back in the faces of those with mental health issues in the first place; maybe the next time you take a dump in our backyard you bring your own toilet paper? Because in this current situation when this was being first dictated heading towards the end of 2020, toilet paper is a priceless item in this global situation.

I mean here is a great idea why not for Season 2 as your Batwoman is a black woman use the same approach as you have on this Season and you have her go up against a white supremacist organization and exploit that and let's see how far you get with that Oh I'm sorry the general idea for TV content is to get high TV ratings, I forgot that little technicality, but you failed with this First Season didn't you? [I should just point out to cover my own back again that I am being heavily sarcastic in this paragraph.]




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