Friday 5 February 2021

DC's Batwoman [Season 1,] Episode 7: Tell Me the Truth by AverageMansReviews

DC's Batwoman [Season 1,] Episode 7: Tell Me the Truth by AverageMansReviews

Review Time:

4 things about this episode

Warning: there are flashing effects/other effects/prejudice/facial scarring

Storyline/Main or Recurring characters I am done: these two components go hand-in-hand; the storyline is annoying and irritating. Moving on I was thinking it would be quicker and easier just to dictate which characters are not irritating me or they just bring nothing to the table; Beth Kane/Alice, Jonathan "Johnny" Cartwright, Mary Hamilton [just to cover my back as it relates to Hamilton she is the best of the rest, you know a pleasant and harmless and a good person/character] and Julia Pennyworth.

But other than that I am so, so done with these characters like this TV program has been released in 2019 right? So how come we have Sophie Moore turning on and off her bisexuality when it suits her, before I receive any backlash; the first thing is this; if it wasn't in this episode for me to discuss I wouldn't be discussing it so don't have a dig at me and secondly I understand without giving too much away she was thinking about her military career earlier on in this episode, I get it.

But everything else after this; I have a massive problem with you don't deliberately hide this from your Husband [I get it about her hiding it from her Mother because she is of the religious persuasion,] you don't wish it wasn't there and you certainly don't willingly give off the impression that six years later, you can now be with the woman that apparently you love, because it is now convenient for you, it's okay saying in this episode at some point something to the effect of if I had my time again, that is such an easy get out of jail card, by the way if this was remotely true why the hell did you get married then?

After being rejected by Kate she treats her marriage as a consolation prize, which I am not religious, but I do try not to take a massive dump on religion or marriage of any persons.

Tyler [her Husband] yes he does come off as a bit of a not nice person [you know someone that will probably more than likely; you will grow to be irritated by them fairly quickly.] Yes absolutely he doesn't deserve to be treated like this; but near to the end of this episode, you get a glimpse of he doesn't trust his wife and is silently angry about this turn of events [when they hug one another you see his face] then you see her face as she doesn't believe what she has just told him.

Kate Kane training in the BatCave: this is a good action sequence.

This episode receives: 2/10, this episode is poor; I am far from joking about a lot of these characters, they are just so unlikable; we have another 13 Episodes to go; this is going to be insufferable isn't it?


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