Tuesday 9 February 2021

DC's Batwoman [Season 1,] Episode 11: An Un-Birthday Present by AverageMansReviews

DC's Batwoman [Season 1,] Episode 11: An Un-Birthday Present by AverageMansReviews

Review Time:

5 things about this episode

Warning: there are flashing effects/other effects/face scarring/medical procedures/flesh/simulation of animal cruelty/child-abuse [and on a quick side note just to cover my back because I can't remember the last time I said this or if I have ever said this; this section in all reviews is just a rough outline, I am not being lazy it is just if I miss out a small detail, I don't have to worry about it; it's just I missed out a little bit in a previous episode as it relates to this TV program but I remembered so I put it in, but I'm just saying, if I have missed out any previous or present or future elements in the reviews in question.]

Alice's and Mouse's origins: this gets shown in this episode and it is good.

Younger Johnny Cartwright first procedure in this episode: this procedure is performed by Dr. August Cartwright, because this is a small element and I don't want to give too much away; all I can say is it is good [on a side note I went with "Johnny" in the description of this; because that is what he is called in this scene.

Kate Kane/Batwoman is a lesbian; well this is news to me: yes I am being extremely sarcastic here, it's not like they have been shoving it down our throats since Episode 1, oh wait they have. I am bringing this up here right now because we have this whole lesbian component to this episode for one example; we have being one hostage character Bryan Akins [Son of Mayor Michael Akins in this vehicle; pointing out/saying "It is 2020 and no one cares about gay or straight anymore."

So obviously I am going to jump on this and tear into it; because it just highlights how stupid this TV program is; because if you have this character/performer pointing this out which let's be honest it is a very valid point, in 2019 [when this TV program was released] or in 2020 [when this Episode was released.] Who cares, seriously who cares about this?! Even though this TV program is still relatively new it's so outdated, because no one cares anymore!

My point is this; and here comes the stupid factor if this character/performer can point this incredibly spot on point out it in turn devastatingly in about less than a second completely destroys and utterly undermines this TV program.

This may need some explaining; I have come to the conclusion in the previous paragraph I did, based on the grounds if no one cares about sexuality anymore; why is this TV program heavily incredibly so heavily based around sexuality in the first place if as this character/performer says in short no one cares? So consequently if nobody cares about sexuality, does that mean consequently if you continuously shove sexuality down someone's throat/your viewers your viewership numbers are going to get less and less which that would be a big YES [which I am just speaking fact here I have seen the numbers for this First Season] which means they basically sent this version of Kate Kane/Batwoman out to fail, but not only fail but to spectacularly fail as well.

So whomever came up with these character developments minus Beth Kane/Alice or Jonathan "Johnny" Cartwright/Mouse, yes I didn't know anything and I still don't know much about this version of Kate Kane/Batwoman. But is really stupid and naïve to think whatever the Arrowverse throws out for the next generations we are just going to just happily watch it. I mean I don't have any problems with different sexualities or anything other, but man the character developments for the present or future Arrowverse projects has to be better than this First Season of DC's Batwoman that is now the minimum.

Kate Kane motorbike hit: I can't say it was an accident, because it isn't [this will make sense when you watch it,] because likewise this is another small element all I can say is likewise this is good.

This episode receives: 5/10, this episode is mixed; I don't know what to say about this TV program anymore, it just finds ways to be irritating or as this episode would show it shoots itself in the foot by that little bit of dialogue.








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