Thursday 21 January 2021

DC's Batwoman [Season 1,] Episode 3: Down Down Down by AverageMansReviews

DC's Batwoman [Season 1,] Episode 3: Down Down Down by AverageMansReviews

Review Time:

5 things about this episode

Warning: there are flashing effects/other effects/medical element

Storyline/Catherine Hamilton-Kane: now be it the storyline or the character developments these two components go hand-in-hand good and for bad reasons; short-term it is good; long-term a train wreck slowly happening, they are giving away way too much; way too early like we are only on Episode 3 of 20 and in fairness and balance the writers haven't told us out and out that Catherine Hamilton-Kane was/is the architect or saw an opportunity to benefit consequently benefited from withholding the truth about Beth Kane/Alice, but they have left a very transparent breadcrumb trail for the viewers to follow, so I hope I am wrong; no really I hope I am wrong because if I am right and we are only on the third episode, that means I have to watch the next 17 Episodes to wait for the storyline to catch up with this kind of character developments which long-term will be insufferable hence why I hope I am wrong [please, please let me be wrong;] but I have a feeling at minimum I am in the right ballpark and on a quick side note I am aware that there is another character development in this episode, but you should know by now in these situations I discuss one and leave one or something to that effect just so I don't give too much of the episode away

Message for Batman: this effigy and message is good art.

Blooper: this other character should know the partial identity of Kate Kane/Batwoman now, because she takes off her helmet/mask to talk to her Twin Sister Beth Kane/Alice with this other character very close to this dialogue exchange between these two Sisters it has to be said removing ones helmet/mask when there is one enemy of Bruce Wayne/Batman's which has become your enemy that doesn't know your identity is really stupid, but I don't know which is more stupid this or this other character not paying attention or not recognizing the voice of Kate as this individual goes past her, I would feel like "I now know your secret." Or at least I am 90% sure I know your secret, I need to find out for sure, but there are no signs of this at this moment in time.

This episode receives: 7/10, this episode is good; Beth/Alice does a lot for this episode, be it on her own or working off other characters in one way or another. But there is a lot about this TV program to be generally concerned about, but I am not going to go into it here, because I have a feeling at some point I will be covering it in some detail, I'm just saying here I am aware of them; yes even at this very early stage I am aware of them.

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