Thursday 21 January 2021

DC's Batwoman [Season 1,] Episode 2: The Rabbit Hole by AverageMansReviews

DC's Batwoman [Season 1,] Episode 2: The Rabbit Hole by AverageMansReviews

Review Time:

5 things about this episode

Warning: there are flashing effects/other effects/self-harming

Twin Sisters/Back stories: now let's focus on when things consistently get better, [because before this it is just the Beth Kane/Alice show,] it's when the viewers have the characters Kate Kane and Beth Kane/Alice on screen at the start of [this old rusty squeaky swing set and rundown waffle place] this is where the Twins Sisters - character developments and back stories go hand-in-hand, it is a already free-flowing on-screen chemistry [this includes Kate Kane as Batwoman when she is on screen] even when they are not physically on-screen together after this meeting [this will make crystal clear sense when you get to watch this episode,] they are on the same coin just on two very different sides of it and makes this TV program enjoyable; Kate being the very dry and brooding personality that she is; seeking the truth about her Sister Beth/Alice and will stop at nothing to find out, whilst Beth/Alice being in a crazy, highly intelligent, enthusiastic and has the drive and determination to get things done, so they have this twin/sisterly connection down to an already excellent level, hopefully they explore this more throughout this Season and allow this to grow naturally; I just want to say this; please, please don't screw this up.

On a quick side note I decided to use Alice's of her name, because without giving too much away it is established in the first episode and it does get referenced a lot in just these two episodes, I would have left it out not to give too much away but as they really hammer her identity home I may as well use her of her name as well.

But then you have to watch everything else which is even at this very, incredibly very early stages is beginning to grate on me so, so, so much [I am not exaggerating here just being factual.]

Underwater rescue: not to give too much away; but it is where Kate Kane dives underwater again but this time as Batwoman; now be it from an art perspective or an action perspective; these two components likewise go hand-in-hand and it does show what this TV program is capable of if only it just stops putting its foot alarmingly consistently in its mouth on other aspects.

This episode receives: 5/10, this episode is mixed: when this episode is good; it shows its true potential, but when it is bad it is very irritating.

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