Saturday 19 December 2020

In-depth Predictions/Other elements for WWE TLC 2020 by AverageMansReviews

In-depth Predictions/Other elements for WWE TLC 2020 by AverageMansReviews

Warning/Just a quick heads up:  as everyone should know by now I don't use adult language in my content but I used softer versions [this will make much more better sense nearer towards the end of this blog] and these matches may be in the wrong order.

The Hurt Business [Cedric Alexander & Shelton Benjamin with MVP] vs. the Raw Tag Team Champions The New Day [Kofi Kingston & Xavier Woods] Tag Team Match for the Raw Tag Team Championships: my pick is The Hurt Business; for me this is a no-brainer. Because I would preferably build up The Hurt Business more as a real deal faction with Bobby Lashley as the United States Champion as well [yes I had to look this up,] but specifically Cedric Alexander; make him a member of a successful faction and tag team; but then again all the Tag Team Divisions on the Main Rosters are nonexistent which in turn makes any version of these Championships feel and look like expensive paperweights with absolutely no prestigious value to them whatsoever.

Carmella vs. the SmackDown Women's Champion Sasha Banks; Singles Match for the WWE SmackDown Women's Championship: my pick is Sasha Banks; if this company still sees value in Banks she should retain here; yes just for the record I think she is one of the best they have, but I just get this feeling that Mr. McMahon may want a laugh here to irritate his Universe we may see a new Champion here [yes I am that jaded from this company.]

Kevin Owens vs. the Universal Champion Roman Reigns [with Paul Heyman;] Tables, Ladders & Chairs Match for the WWE Universal Championship: my pick is Roman Reigns; this is one of those occasions where this company could build up Owens even with a loss, with one of these three options; the first is where Reigns has to bring everything to the table including the kitchen sink to beat Owens; the second option is; Reigns still has to bring everything to the table and either one or both of Jey Uso or Heyman to get involved or the final option is the same as the second option, but with the inclusion of someone debuting or returning [if I had to pick I would lean more towards someone returning] to get involved in this feud to stop this beat down that Owens is about to receive; it has just come to me; it's going to be Goldberg isn't it? To begin the build up for WrestleMania 37, I can see it now: Owens gets a rematch at the Royal Rumble with Heyman in Reigns' corner and Goldberg in Owens' corner] with Goldberg getting distracted by Heyman potentially sparing him so when the Referee's back is turned dealing with this situation;  Jey Uso comes out of nowhere hits Owens with the Universal Championship; Reigns retains his Universal Championship and the feud between these four characters/performers continues where that eventually Goldberg vs. the Universal Champion Reigns for the Universal Championship at wrestleMania 37.

I would supremely prefer someone of the younger talent to be put in the spot of Goldberg, but of what I have heard and understand this match has a very good possibility of happening, because Mr. McMahon is very keen on making this match happen at WrestleMania 37 after Reigns pulled out at WrestleMania 36 last year; but I will tell you right now I am not keen on this match in the slightest I now see it as a complete waste of time, because in short last year was the right time it would have helped Reigns and it would have been an even match; but now even though I don't watch or haven't watched SmackDown for some time and what everyone is saying and I do get that feeling and look from him when I see/hear anything online; that now he is just in a completely different stratosphere so if this match does happen it would now be seen as a step down for Reigns. You see Reigns is in the same league as his cousin Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson, I know next year this match has no chance of happening at WrestleMania, because it has been reported as such. But at this point I would prefer to see Triple H. vs. Roman Reigns - for the Universal Championship at WrestleMania 37 [I'm just saying which match I would prefer to see on the Card; I know it won't happen.]

But this is the price of not nurturing and switching the focus from old guard to new guard in a nutshell because the WWE hasn't given their next generations of superstars the time and space to grow on screen so when the old guard eventually retire you have replacements coming up behind them; so as it relates to this current situation Reigns should have a good selection of characters to go up against and feud or they could have been really creative and taken some from the Mid-Card and push them up between this section and the Main Event.

You see this is what happens when you put in the ground work for eventually; if you do it correctly like they used to [back about 28 years ago or more somewhere around here; a good indication that someone is being given experience of a Championship situation to eventually be prepared for the Main Event picture is give them the Intercontinental Championship or circle them around this Championship you know when this company had a fruitful Mid-Card or make them the winner of The King of The Ring -I should just say; winning this didn't always guarantee you a progression] and like AEW are doing now you have plenty of options to move characters/performers around I don't like to say down because that means they have done something wrong which in some cases this may be true but generally speaking to keep things positive it is better to say move across; but the WWE are so far behind in developing their own superstars it isn't funny. I mean if they spend the next 30 years they may just have got on track; I mean the problem has absolutely nothing to do with any NXT or any other Performance Center other things, the problem lies with Mr. McMahon and not having the forward thinking mind-set; to look at the bigger picture.

Additional; it came to me last night; the 2021 Men's Royal Rumble Winner is Goldberg coming in at the Number 30 spot; to set up this match at WrestleMania 37. I so, so, so much want to be wrong about this; because the problem is and as everyone should know by now this company needs to be focusing on the present and the future not its Jurassic Park Theme Park, whilst on the other hand likewise everyone knows by now that what Mr. McMahon wants; Mr. McMahon gets.

Asuka & Mystery Partner vs. the WWE Women's Tag Champions Nia Jax & Shayna Baszler; Tag Team Match for the WWE Women's Tag Team Championships: my pick is Asuka & Mystery Partner; there are possibly two ways they could do this match; the first would be to go with the narrative of because Jax & Baszler didn't know who they would be facing the end up losing their Championships [so it kind of protects them from the loss,] consequently setting up a feud between these four characters/performers starting here going into the Royal Rumble 2021 and potentially heading into WrestleMania 37 [I know this would be a long program but at least it would be a program which they will probably run it into the ground] or I don't like this second option; they could turn this match into a 2-on-1 Handicap Match and if Asuka wins she gets a No1 Contenders opportunity at the Royal Rumble 2021 for the WWE Women's Tag Team Championships providing Lana is back in time [I'm going under the thinking process this situation is Kayfabe] or she finds a new tag team partner; it basically depends on what narrative they are going with and when.

"The Fiend" Bray Wyatt [with Alexa Bliss] vs. Randy Orton Firefly Inferno Match: my pick is Randy Orton; I think this match has every potential to be a train wreck just based on the facts of  Bray Wyatt vs. Randy Orton; House of Horrors Match at PayBack 2017, I haven't seen this match in its entirety but what I have seen of it and heard about it; it just looks like a complete mess and Bray Wyatt; yes I know we are looking at two very different gimmicks here, but isn't Bray Wyatt due for another character undermining/demolishing from this company hence why I have chosen Randy Orton here; like they did with the House of Horrors Match and at WWE Hell In A Cell 2019 "The Fiend" Bray Wyatt vs. the Universal Champion Seth Rollins; in a Hell In A Cell Match for the Universal Championship; so let's just say the WWE has a history of screwing up Bray Wyatt regardless of gimmicks. [On a quick side note I said all this before recently updated stipulation of this match, but I still see stand by what I have said here.]

I can even tell you what ballpark they are going to go with Orton will go for Bliss consequently "The Fiend" will go to save her/rescue her and it will end up with Orton picking the W.. Now I don't mind this outcome as long as something positive comes from it like we get to see the evolution of Bliss' character Sister Abigail with the kind of approach "Orton you shouldn't have been worried about my Brother, you should have been worried about me."

But if they don't do something like this; I will be incredibly angry, because "The Fiend" Bray Wyatt Universal deserve a much more better treatment and respect. Full disclosure I originally went for "The Fiend" Bray Wyatt, but once again I began to think like this company and here we are. [On a quick side note I said all this before recently updated stipulation of this match, but I still see stand by what I have said here.]

 AJ Styles [with Omos] vs. the WWE Champion Drew McIntyre; Tables, Ladders & Chairs Match for the WWE Championship: my pick is AJ Styles; now I don't want this to happen, but I fully expect like 100% this to happen on the grounds of Mr. McMahon having to point the blame at somebody for RAW's lowest ever TV ratings [Monday 14/12/2020,] so McIntyre will pay the price [I know it isn't his fault, but this company has worked this way for many years now.]

I don't know why Mr. McMahon just doesn't buy a full-length mirror and just stand in front of it pointing at the reflection, because that will give him the answer to why his entire empire is slowly crumbling [yes this company has so much money and resources that they will be fine for absolutely decades.] But let's just say for the past two decades plus the rot has definitely set in; in this company and it goes by the name of Mr. McMahon.

But back to this match they will use the formula of interference from Omos to make Styles the new WWE Champion, I'm just hoping they don't have Omos going up to unhook the Championship just to bring it down and handed to Styles; please, please WWE don't do this [I don't think they would, but the only reason they would is because Mr. McMahon would find it funny and enjoy let's just say giving his Universe the "Stone Cold" Steve Austin the two fingers salute.

Look what we have here is potentially a good Card, which the WWE could make safely roughly around two months of feuds/content from if they work it right. But I think they are going to screw up this Pay-Per-View, I did think this way before RAW's lowest ever TV viewership; but now even more so. You see even when I try to be positive about this wrestling promotion for a second, I have to quickly add a reality check response; so all I can tell you is to finish this off; based on the quality of this Card they can't screw things up; yes I don't know how but they will.

Spoiler Warning! [I should put this in other blogs when it is/was appropriate to do so apologies for that; I will do that from now on.]

Additional Match/Result/Stipulation change:

Big E, Daniel Bryan, Otis & Chad Gable Defeats the Intercontinental Champion Sami Zayn, King Corbin, Cesaro & Shinsuke Nakamura

The WWE Champion Drew McIntyre Defeats AJ Styles and The Miz [Tables, Ladders & Chairs Triple Threat Match:] The Miz cashed-in his Money In The Bank Contract via John Morrison during the original match for the stipulations to change.

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