Saturday 19 December 2020

Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventures [Season 2,] Episode 16: The Star Strangled Banner by AverageMansReviews

Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventures [Season 2,] Episode 16: The Star Strangled Banner by AverageMansReviews

Review Time:

5 things about this episode

Warning: there are flashing effects/other effects

Storyline: it is boring.

Really Bill that is a little bit rich coming from you: we have Bill pointing out that this Semen on this Ship is dumb and here is me thinking well since the beginning of this Second Season you and Ted haven't shown too much more of a higher IQ; at least this Semen has an excuse of coming from this point in history where the United States of America national anthem was being composed; so what is your excuse Bill & Ted? I mean this Semen has some intelligence to know/point out he is steering the Boat and not a Submarine, yes I know I have called it a Ship, because of its size but I will accept a Boat as well." [On a quick side note on some basic research the United States of America national anthem was written 14/09/1814 by Francis Scott Key; during the war 1812 with Great Britain - yes we do meet this individual in this episode.]

Moon: we get some good looking scenes of the moon partly covered by clouds; these are momentarily good scenes [meaning they are short moments]

Baseball is born: this is good action and yes after some more basic research we meet the inventor of Baseball; Abner Doubleday in 1939.

This episode receives: 3/10, this episode is poor; in short this TV show has most definitely stopped being easy to watch and becoming painful to watch instead, I am now sitting here wondering how much more lower can this TV show go? But we will soon find out won't we.

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