Saturday 31 October 2020

Trick or Treat 1952 by AverageMansReviews

Trick or Treat 1952 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time

Warning: there is flashing effects/colourful effects

Storyline: it is good, to give you a little bit more substance  Huey, Dewey and Louie have on trick-or-treating dressed as the Devil, a Warlock [I know; a better description for this costume would be a Whitch, but as he is a male it would be a Warlock and I have done some research to make sure] and a Ghost, but they have some trouble at this one individual's house, but don't worry too much they get some assistance from two individuals; as this project roughly goes on for 9 minutes I will not say anymore; the pacing is good.

Art/Characters/Performances/Comedy/Action: now in one way or another all these components go hand-in-hand, but I will be speaking about them singly and pairs to make this review easier to talk about and read; so on to the art [visually] it is very easy to settle down with from the very beginning until the end, it does have many things to offer which are associated with this time of year and Art [musically,] be it musically or a magic spell these are all good

Characters and Performances; likewise these are all good as well Hazel the Witch/Foray, Donald Duck/Huey/Dewey/Louie Jack-o'lantern and Jack-o'lantern/Ravenscroft; all of these performers really do bring these characters to life either speaking voice or singing.

Comedy/Action; Donald plays some unpleasant tricks on his three Nephews, but don't worry he will unwillingly break down a door so his nephews can have the treats; this feels like one of those occasions where I should just say the following "Don't try this at home Kids."

This film receives: 8/10, this film is excellent; it is a smooth short project that focuses on this time of year and situation, I am just disappointed it has no Awards to its name.


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