Sunday 1 November 2020

The Building of: WWE vs. All Elite Wrestling Volume 32 by AverageMansReview

The Building of: WWE vs. All Elite Wrestling Volume 32 by AverageMansReview

Just a heads up/Disclaimer: as everyone knows by now I don't use adult language in my content, but I used softer versions of what I mean. Disclaimer; when this is appropriate I am not a medical professional of any level, but I am disabled with a mental health illness on top; so anything I state is just based on experience.

WWE: straight off the bat, after watching someone else's content I am absolutely fuming with this company, I cannot wait until the day that Mr. McMahon is pushing up daisies and for those people that think "He is going to regret saying that when it happens." To that I say "You don't know me very well."

Anyone and I repeat anyone that basically uses his or her employees as slaves with them reaping in all the profits, whilst having their legal team of Lawyers looking over their "Independent Contractors" Contracts to find a loophole that basically says they own their names which means they have to close down their Twitch or Cameo accounts so they cannot earn any extra money on the side or have an outlet and I will be discussing outlet again later on.

This company deciding to release a large amount of talent and other personnel, which they didn't need to do, let me say that again they didn't need to do! They were financially and are financially sound so this action is motivated by God damn greed and secondly these characters/performers throughout this global pandemic still have mouths to feed and bills to pay so this company has taken this avenue away from them to soften the blow of this global God damn pandemic.

Now let's talk about the phrasing "Independent Contractors" this phrase is as worn as a used piece of toilet paper and is as useful after you have just wiped your posterior with it as well; this phrase means absolutely nothing, I mean if you are going to be honest you may as well say "As soon as you sign a contract with us; you are our female dog." At least this would be honest and accurate and not hiding behind this transparent dump of a phrase "Independent Contractors" all I can say is "you have no idea how much this phrase instantaneously irritates me from being calm to giving a "Stone Cold" Steve Austin salute.

To throw more donkey diarrhea in the faces of their wrestling talent Netflix have decided to spend lots of money on a Mr. McMahon documentary well that is going to be so one-sided and cherry picking his history.

Disclaimer Warning: Saraya-Jade/on-screen WWE's Paige so today [Friday 30/10/2020] I watched her live-stream [I saw an roughly 11 minutes clip] and I learned so much about the WWE and it’s the kind of things that I already knew, but it is still happening in 2020; where as of this blog [she is only 28] and the nicest way I could put this; her neck is screwed so basically she knows she isn't going to wrestle again.

So what she decided to do was to remain active in the wrestling community by building her own little space on Twitch which is a very smart move it gives her purpose and a routine in life.

That was until as I have previously discussed she has now had to stop because she is under a WWE Contract [as of Saturday 31/10/2020 after a little bit of research her and AJ Styles' Twitch accounts are still up on this platform, but I must stress they haven't been active on their accounts for three days and I should imagine there are other accounts which are still up but not active as well as it relates to their contracted talent/other personnel,] so let me tell you how I see it; you now have a 28-year-old woman, who cannot wrestle anymore, she is not on the road, she hasn't been used by this company for a long time now, she is permanently damaged, she loves the WWE [in the interest of being balanced; she has also stated she cannot take it anymore from this company,] she has also stated, of what I have seen and heard today she is tired, either showing signs of mentally breaking or being broken; so all I can say is; anything happens to this young woman it is on you WWE, because yes you didn’t course the injury which ended  her in ring career, but you are systematically putting aher in a very deep, deep dark hole, but I have forgotten your whole thinking process is once they have fulfilled their purpose or no longer able to fulfil their purpose they are thrown away on to a scrapheap.

So I hope this young woman is okay and she continues to look into unionization and let's not forget if Joe Biden becomes the new President of the United States of America, this may be very concerning for this company, because Democrat Andrew Yang are very much aware of the WWE and this phrase "Independent Contractors."

The thing is; I am strongly thinking about joining The WWE Network; I am very much aware I have made it crystal clear at one point or many I can't remember the precise times; that I really wasn't going to do this because I really, really have massive problems with this company and have had for some time now, way, way in the future when Mr. McMahon is no longer here things could be different and should be different. But however I am also as when this blog was first dictated a subscriber to Netflix UK even after the Cuties 2020 film.

As it relates to these two companies my thinking process is the same I am still with Netflix UK, because of the content and the usage I get out of it and I really want to expand my wrestling content a little [I'm not guaranteeing anything other than expanding it a little,] because I only have one mouth and there are only 24 hours in a day and I like saying things that are at minimum achievable so a little is achievable, in short I don't like being a hypocrite or in this case unintentionally even though it has come to me recently discussing this situation with someone; a hypocrite, if one is okay but the other isn't this is where the hypocritical thing comes in.

All Elite Wrestling: I have since deleted my Tweets, but in a nutshell because I don't want to get into any trouble someone asked a comparison question on this thread; as if AEW had done this kind of thing would we still feel the same and my thinking was this was a completely wrong time to ask this question.

Because whatever side of the divide you are on this kind of garbage needs to stop from the WWE, if I had the power to make this happen I would be advising Saraya-Jade to firstly ask for her release from the WWE; go and see if AEW have any positions in an on-screen character role, you can make a new Twitch account and work on learning about unionization, because you need your outlet and this can go to put your mind and outlook in a better place and for anyone without an outlet, it isn't a case of if but when someone has issues of some degree, I know she loves wrestling and she loves this company, but this company clearly doesn't love her, because if they did they would say "Okay would you like an on-screen role or we would like to make you the new face of the Kick-Off Show or Live Reactions or would you like to be the head of WWE Facebook and WWE  Tweet? And for any performer that is long-term or global pandemic or permanently injured they can have access to their own Twitch or Cameo accounts, but on these conditions; they don't talk about insider information and they have to advertise upcoming pay-per-views in some capacity in their life-streams. But this is all based on it would be good for the individual's mental well-being." But then again Mr. McMahon doesn't probably see mental health as a problem, he probably takes mental health as seriously as this global pandemic; how is that a central business loophole working out for you Mr. McMahon? You complete idiot [and yes before I receive any form of feedback; I am very much aware AEW have used the same loophole but they have managed this global pandemic much, much, much, I think you get the point better than the WWE,] I mean I personally have no problem with wrestling talent or anyone using Twitch or Cameo or other platforms, but just for a second I am thinking like this company [I should just point out that Saraya-Jade made a reference to this as well in this 11 minute clips wouldn't be would, I have just added the advertising and I have made reference to this kind of thing before as well.]

But this is how you look out for/take care of somebody that has given you everything and their body has broken down on them WWE, because of Saraya-Jade age being young and life experienced in wrestling. I would without question spend the next 40 years or more, using her in different capacities to make sure she gets placed in the Hall of Fame with a ring which she would have got if her body didn't break down on her.

I don't care about genders [yes I mean this in a good way,] I always get concerned when a wrestler has to retire early, because you take that routine or rush from them being in the ring and they need to find something else to fill the void which Saraya-Jade had found in Twitch [she states this in this 11 minutes clip,] there is always a risk of let's just say running into problems in their personal life, because once again as Saraya-Jade states in this 11 minute clip she is in the house going crazy and Twitch was keeping her sane.

So the last things I have to say is; if you haven't seen this 11 minute clip or version, I suggest you go and see it, because it shows how unnecessarily cruel the WWE are being [and yes I know this is on the AEW side of things,] but if an opportunity comes up to help out Saraya-Jade in the future, to get her out of this situation AEW please take it [providing she will sign  with you,] she would be a good on-screen character in some capacity.





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