Friday 30 October 2020

Kong: Skull Island 2017 by AverageMansReviews

Kong: Skull Island 2017 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time

Warning: there is flashing effects/colourful effects/feeding/animal cruelty/suicide

Storyline: it is good, here is just a heads up there is an after credits scene which you will find very interesting, the pacing is something that knows what it is doing from beginning to end and it sticks to it.

Action/Art/Comedy/King Kong: all of these go hand-in-hand in this sequence; this human soldier/performer hears King Kong approaching so he runs and hides behind this rock, King Kong comes into the camera shot; he is in this river [we have this waterfall in this location as well,] he is aware that some human is watching him but King Kong crouches; firstly having a drink using his hand to mouth and then suddenly grabbing at something with his hand [fishing,] which turns into this manic short battle sequence, King Kong then crouches down again to eat his meal; he eats it like spaghetti as it is octopus and it all over him; with King Kong looking at this human soldier/performer with this attitude, body language and consequently movements of "This human is boring me now, I am going to take my food and eat it somewhere more quieter." With King Kong standing up and dragging/unhooking his food [it gets stuck] somewhere else downriver.

This is all great; as it makes King Kong look and feel like a three-dimensional character with substance and it really does present King Kong as a creature which yes has furious anger and rage, but can also be soft and gentle and is still growing at this point, but a creature which is very wise, because he has the thinking process of "Yes I could squash you like a bug, but don't give me a reason to." and he has the cognitive understanding to be a lifesaver, he also looks great and has good on-screen chemistry as well with every creature and character/performer.

Individual action; there are weapons being used, choppers, this homemade boat with a weapon system on it, combat and chasing

Individual art: Skull Island is a beautiful place, be it the landscapes or skies by day or by night or the creatures that call this place home there is so much here to see and experience.

Individual comedy it is in monologue or dialogue exchanges.

Characters/Performances: including the on-screen chemistry between themselves and King Kong; these are all safe and reliable; good, but still safe and reliable, without getting too political this film does imply that what we humans do not understand we destroy even though we are in their backyard [as it relates to some of these characters/performers.]

This film receives: 8/10, this film is excellent; King Kong steals the show in every way possible, this film has lots to offer its viewers in one way or another. [Yes I have only given you one small action sequence involving King Kong, but they are all hard-hitting and beautifully managed sequences of chaos.] On a quick side note we have four members of the Marvel Cinematic Universe; Tom Hiddleston as James Conrad [MCU; Loki,] Samuel L. Jackson as Lieutenant Colonel Preston Packard [MCU; Nick Fury,] Brie Larson as Mason Weaver [MCU Carol Danvers/Vers/Captain Marvel] and John C. Reilly as Lieutenant Hank Marlow [MCU Corpsman Dey.]



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