Thursday 29 October 2020

The Building of: WWE vs. All Elite Wrestling Volume 31 by AverageMansReview

The Building of: WWE vs. All Elite Wrestling Volume 31 by AverageMansReview

Just a heads up: I will be negative on both sides of this divide and most probably use a softer version of what I mean in this blog, because I don't use adult language in my content.

WWE: I am very quickly learning that because Mr. McMahon is high on somebody or an idea, it pretty much could mean the opposite I mean I am pretty well educated on the way this man thinks but this is something new to put in my mental book of this individual. I am aware he blows hot and cold on individuals and ideas, but this is the evolution of that basically which just sounds weird and a complete waste of time, energy and resources and it must be incredibly stressful and a mental health risk to anyone that works around him.

I mean if you had no intention of pushing Otis or El Gran Gordo then why give him The Money In The Bank Contract? It just sounds like and it probably will turn out like another wasted opportunity to build a new Main Event Superstar like the following; Alastair Black, Andrade, Sami Zayn, Mustafa Ali [before his journey on the Titanic known as RETRIBUTION] or he could've gone with the likes of Kevin Owens, John Morrison [which I had said in my blog of In-depth Predictions/Other elements for WWE Hell In A Cell 2020, I would have gave him this opportunity and have him go for the NXT Championship at WrestleMania 37 and going over to NXT, providing this global situation is much better under control in this company, I will put that link at the bottom of this blog] or Cesaro [he is very deserving to be in the Main Event picture or minus this global pandemic I would have had a mystery entrant and have someone debut from NXT and just strap a massive rocket to their back.

Or here is something from outside the box have Triple H. win this opportunity and have him say "I plan to cash this in at WrestleMania, but if anyone wants to challenge me for it, between now and then I will take on three separate challenges throughout the rest of the year and if I agree to it; you beat me you get this opportunity, I beat you; you have to join me on NXT." Now just in case if you're wondering on whom I would move across to NXT; Ricochet, Owens and Black or have a Owens or Black pick up this opportunity, I do like all three of these characters/performers but of what I see or hear they are getting badly used on the Main Brands, I mean I don't see or hear too much about Ricochet these days, which is a crime in itself.

This way it will put over somebody and move some characters/performers to NXT or they could just have three challengers lose and move them across to NXT which I don't see a downsides of doing this. The only downside I can see is the status of Triple H. still wrestling anymore? And then potentially wrestling five times in one year, I mean you could make it is final run official/unofficially if he doesn't want to make it public, but if he did make it official the night after WrestleMania he could vacate whatever Championship he wins and set up a massive 32-Men King of the Ring Tournament across RAW, SmackDown and NXT [global pandemic permitting; because at some point you will have cross Brand matches or if the global pandemic is still here just restricted to the Main Brands, but I really like the three Brands idea, but health and safety comes first.]

My final point on this line of the Divide is simply this; when is the WWE going to begin elevating the new superstars consistently and properly, as far as I'm concerned this company should be able to make a conveyor belt of new talent but for me they are about 20 years behind schedule. Yes I am aware there are such cases as Seth Rollins, Roman Reigns [even with some difficult early years; him being shoved down our throats] and not forgetting any version of Bray Wyatt [he has had quite a few rocky moments.] But my point still remains when is this company going to basically wake up and realize that at minimum it isn't the early 2000's anymore [when I say at minimum I am making reference to the fact that this entire company is being run like something from the late 1970's.]

All Elite Wrestling: this tumbler segment from AEW: Dynamite [Wednesday 14/10/2020,] makes very little sense considering you have a Position Ranking System in place, the only time that AEW could do this kind of random generator thing is at the pay-per-view known as AEW Double Or Nothing, because it has that kind of gambling thing going on so it would fit in perfectly here [so they could have done weeks before this pay-per-view matches of tag teams when you win a match you can put your number [Position Ranking Number] into this tumbler which the more times a team wins a match; you get to put your number into the tumbler it will increase your percentages of getting chosen for this Fatal Four Way at this pay-per-view for the AEW World Tag Team Championships, so the tumbler comes out on the night and consequently this match gets booked at the beginning of this pay-per-view, but other than that can we stick to the Position Ranking System please, unless of unforeseen circumstances.

Moving on; on the same date and ongoing we have this beginning of a feud between The Best Friends and Kip Sabian [Penelope Ford] and Miro, I have no problem with this feud, but for one little detail, can we stop showing Trent crashing into this arcade machine, because it completely devalues this feud based on the fact every time they use any of this footage you can see/get reminded how fake this situation is [it breaks Kayfabe, I should just point out I don't want anyone to get harmed but basically what they are feuding over is a glorified empty box, there was no false computer workings, the more I look at it from this episode and the following episode Wednesday 21/10/2020 I don’t like it,] so I have no problem with this feud but can we not show any of this footage anymore it very much harms the feud, if they could slowly move on from this to these two teams just not liking one another that would be much better.

AEW you have some explaining to do; why the hell have you booked Matt Hardy vs. Sammy Guevara: The Elite Deletion match for AEW Full Gear 2020 [Saturday 07/11/2020,] I believe this to be a massive error of judgment, no correction I believe this to be a shower of dump waiting to happen, based on the facts every time these two performers are in a match together something goes wrong on some grand scale, so when you could have just put a line through this feud and move on from it for everyone's health and safety your choosing to go back into this feud, well you're just asking for trouble and criticism and trust me when I say "there will be trouble and criticism if anything goes wrong in this match, because yes I like this company, but even I am saying why the hell?" And please do one thing for me don't book  Aubrey Edwards [Referee] for this match just based on she doesn't need this donkey diarrhea, she is yes your best Referee but even when she threw up the X. symbol [this basically means a real life injury,] in Hardy vs. Guevara: Broken Rules match at AEW All Out 2020, behind the scenes someone had the bright idea to continue this match and I get the old professional wrestler attitude of complete the match and deal with later; later, but I don't want to see her get undermined again. I just wanted to say all of this before this upcoming pay-per-view

Thunder Rosa; basically I had dictated this section [but as of when this blog goes up,] I don't know what is happening with this character/performer, but having said that I do believe AEW need someone of her caliber to push the Women's Division forward, because it needs a spark to get going so based on what happens with this individual is based on what I say next in the upcoming Volumes; apparently she is still contracted to the Wrestling Promotion National Wrestling Alliance until 2021 [says National Wrestling Alliance Owner/President Billy Corgan; he has been letting his talent out of their contracts if they ask, because they are not running any wrestling in this global pandemic; I found this out by watching someone else’s material,] but what I can say about this individual at the moment is I haven't seen her wrestle much, but she could be the turning point for the AEW Woman's Division and the AEW Woman's World Championship [I better post this up before the situation changes again.]

In-depth Predictions/Other elements for WWE Hell In A Cell 2020 Link

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