Thursday 22 October 2020

The Building of: WWE vs. All Elite Wrestling Volume 30 by AverageMansReview

The Building of: WWE vs. All Elite Wrestling Volume 30 by AverageMansReview

Just a heads up: I don't use adult language in my contents, but I have my ways around that, by just saying a softer version of what I mean.

WWE: now this blog is going to be covering mainly one massive thing WWE being named Corporation of the Year in the PRNEWS CSR [Corporate Social Responsibility] & Nonprofit Awards for 2019. First things first I just have to go and check the date just to make sure this isn't April 1 [April Fools' Day,] unfortunately it isn't. So what the hell?! No seriously what the hell?!

Can someone explain this to me, even someone with brain damage [me] and a mental health illness on top knows this is just wrong, considering they have released or fired so many people in different positions within this company be it wrestling talent or any other position, when they didn't have to so they chose to make so many more people's lives harder throughout this extremely difficult time, but somehow they found enough money to hire Nick Khan as President and Chief Revenue Officer which he doesn't come cheap his annual pay is $1.2M [yes in a nutshell there were other figures including somewhere in his contract if he leaves he has to pay some of it back I just wanted to be fair and balanced, but then again why would you want to leave? When you're getting a annual pay of $1.2M.]

But if that isn't enough for you; how about this company seeing their independent contractors as nothing but slaves now, taking over their Twitch and Cameo accounts which the WWE will give them a percentage to go towards their down-side guarantees which the WWE would have had to pay them anyway and once this figure is reached the WWE don't have to pay this individual anymore money, so basically what the WWE have done is taken this avenue away from their so-called "Independent Contractors" to make a little bit more extra money which if you have forgotten we are in a global pandemic, so they would have really needed this right about now; yes just for the record I am now completely comfortable with using the word "slave" or "slaves" based on the grounds of what I have just shown in evidence, but if you just want some more evidence to back up my opinion this company quite recently have tried to trademark some of their performers real names; yes this is not a miss spoken word or words they tried to trademark some performers real names like Drew Gulak, Pete Dunne and others so if this isn't the definition of slavery or slaves I don't know what is and the performer's I have just mentioned denied the WWE to trademark their name.

Moving on; how about their controversial dealings in the Middle East, or how about this company having a colossal hand in wrestling being deemed as an essential business when it so isn't [money talks - who said that?] How about this company's continuous failure to handle this global pandemic including outbreaks of this global pandemic in three hotspots [WWE Full Sail, WWE Performanc Center a.k.a. The Capitol Wrestling Center and WWE Amway Arena.] They haven't dealt with this global pandemic properly from day one, yes they may be taking it slightly a little bit more seriously now, but even now this is being brought into question with them possibly let's just say "Making numbers look better than what they are." By including only the personnel of any role in their figures and not the consequently relating infection figures; but just to cover my back there is a massive question-mark over this; you know what would be really useful right about now some Health Insurance Oh I have just remembered silly me this company doesn't give their "Independent Contractors" [I used that phrase very, very, very loosely] so once again I refer you back to slavery, because they are getting treated as such as world will.

How about the headcheese Mr. McMahon not caring about what they're fans think about bringing Bill Goldberg back again at the age of 53 [When  this blog was first dictated;] when more often than not he is at worst a liability in the ring [The Undertaker  vs. Goldberg  at WWE Super Showdown 2019, yes once again being fair and balanced both competitors were a liability in this match] and at best he can have these very short timed matches, I need to point out I haven't seen these short matches but I have seen the uncomfortable match between Goldberg vs. The Undertaker [I will leave the link down below.] Yes I know it was going to be Roman Reigns vs. the Universal Champion Goldberg at this years WrestleMania, but because Reigns pulled out it; it turned into Stroman becoming the Universal Champion and what a match that was; I have just taken the time to watch that match and I have two things to say about it; what the hell was that about? And really what did we expect? So they are just going to set up Goldberg vs. the Universal Champion Roman Reigns WrestleMania 37 which at this point I have no interest in seeing it; this year would have been okay to see Reigns become the Universal Champion at WrestleMania, but the problem is now Reigns has evolved of what I have heard and seen a little into the hottest thing in wrestling right now and as WrestleMania 37 has a Hollywood theme; Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson vs. the Universal Champion Roman Reigns, I mean that screams box office appeal,This would also play more in tune this family situation as well  considering they are related and Reigns is currently having this  family feud with Jey Uso so why not  continue this with other members of their family until we get to WrestleMania season then bring in  Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson for  a match on the biggest stage of them all in professional wrestling WrestleMania I mean for a cherry on the top they could even have Hulk Hogan as the special guest referee as one of his gimmicks with is Hollywood Hulk Hogan and not forgetting WrestleMania X8 The Rock vs. Hollywood Hulk Hogan, so there is already existing material to use here [for the younger generations yes this happened.] Just for the record I am fully aware that Hulk Hogan is a controversial figure, but to have him in this situation, just makes too much sense and we all know if this situation was to happen it would be a box office smash.

My point here being [if taking the long route around sorry about that,] or we know Mr. McMahon doesn't care, because he actively does things to annoying their fan base/Universe, as long as he is entertained by his product that is all what matters to him.

So yes they may do these positive things be it for another charity or something other or for their own charity thing, but this side of the coin is just a smokescreen for the darker side of the coin being the complete opposite as I have already illustrated in this blog; so that as far as I'm concerned they can shine up this award really nicely and turn it sidewards and shove it right up Mr. McMahon's posterior! That is how much I respect the people awarding this award and this company receiving it; it is a complete and utter joke [on a quick side note I have never heard of this award until this situation.]

All Elite Wrestling: this wrestling promotion on the other hand is completely different for me; they are inclusive to everyone wrestlers to fans and everyone else, yes they have had a few problems and if you have been with me long enough; you know I have criticized them as well, I just don't have too much to say about this wrestling promotion here; yes I am aware that they have used the wrestling being deemed an essential business which was created by the WWE, but the big difference is they have been on top of this global pandemic from day one and they continue to be so. [I was just thinking I would bring that up straight away before someone else did it for me,] but moving on it makes a big difference when you focus on wrestling, try to engage and work with your fans than against them every step of the way which in turn creates credibility which in turn creates patience, which in turn creates leniency [depending on the situation and how often,] so hypothetically for a small something not exactly going to plan or anything really, I will acknowledge it, but go in with the attitude of "never mind" and just to finish off I really need to point this out: this is not favouritism here; it is just based on fact that the WWE could really work on rebuilding credibility and so on with their apparent fan base/Universe which they have abused for a long time now for a quick example off the top of my head they have systematically taught us to see the worst coming from their Main Brands or whenever they have a good opportunity to make someone have a big impact it is not the case of if they will screw it up; it is more case of when they screw it up; case in point now I knew Keith Lee was making all the right sounds in NXT, even though I don't have access to NXT his reputation was bigger than what he is and we all know he is no small man.

But what happened when he went to the Main Brand of RAW they had no idea of how to use him and present him, so on this previous Raw Monday 19/10/2020 [I have seen a abbreviated version of this match, but this is absolutely garbage booking] where he is dealt his first loss on the Main Brands to Stroman, They have tried to protect Lee with lots loss here with using a dusty finish, I really don't like it; it is lazy and I know nothing to may be salt crystals about Lee, but what I do know is he should be treated as a big deal, he is the present and future of this company and this should interest Mr. McMahon he is big, big money. But I just wanted to point out I am not showing favouritism towards AEW. But if they continue in the same atmosphere and togetherness people/organizations or other should be looking at this company to give awards to, we need more of what this wrestling promotion represents in the world today.

The Undertaker vs. Goldberg at WWE Super Showdown 2019 Link

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