Saturday 12 September 2020

The Building of: WWE vs. All Elite Wrestling Volume 28 by AverageMansReview

The Building of: WWE vs. All Elite Wrestling Volume 28 by AverageMansReview

WWE: I wasn't planning to do this today, but what I have found out today [yesterday] it needs discussing and there is every possibility I will go off the handle at some point or points.

I don't know what to say here, well that isn't strictly true; what I mean is I can't use the language I would like to use to describe this wrestling promotion; how about absolute scum of the universe, I should just point out I am not going to apologize for anything I put in this Volume; the nicest way I could put this is when Mr. McMahon steps down or anything other I will not be crying, I will be celebrating this joyous occasion.

So like in April this year this company decided to have what I can best describe as a mass budget cut of wrestling talent and personnel of any description either releasing them or furloughing them to a future date and now it looks like we have reached that future date [yes in fairness and balance some people have gone back to work for this company] and across the board contract reducements for employees which are in the tens of thousands, but the bigger picture here is more personnel are being released.

I don't know how I am going to say this calmly in fact I'm pretty sure I'm going to fail in this like 100%; why the hell is this company doing this?! Come on tell us Mr. McMahon? Tell us one good reason? Be a man and stand up and don't use anyone as the scapegoat, tell us why in this global pandemic you are doing these massive budget cuts and don't give us that garbage that you were forced to based on this global pandemic. Because everyone knows that the WWE will be financially sound even with all those people that you have released on April or now you were financially sound, this global pandemic was and is nowhere near touching you financially.

I've just remembered; but you can afford to spend millions on Nick Khan's contract [President & Chief Revenue Officer;] there is something wrong with this picture if they can afford this individual, they can afford to keep these people employed, they can afford to give their wrestling talent real god damn contracts with Health Insurance, so they wouldn't be independent contractors trying to make extra money via Internet platforms; by the way Mr. McMahon as these performers are independent contractors, you have the rights over their characters, you have the rights to tell them not to bring up anything major as it relates to wrestling without the hierarchy's green light or anything which would bring the company heat.

But other than that; Mr. McMahon you have no rights to tell them what they can do and where they can do it. Because of two words you have used throughout the decades say it with me "Independent Contractors." Yes I am aware he has allowed some platforms but I am specifically talking about all of them, based on the grounds of the words Independent Contractors.

[Additional update; it has recently come to my attention that he does have pretty much all the rights, I just wanted to be more factually correct, so how can these wrestlers be independent contractors if in one way or another this company have 99.9% control over what they can and cannot do? This makes absolutely no sense to me whatsoever, unless this is just comes me and to cover my back this is speculation, unless they have been written to avoid doing the right thing many decades ago, by giving their professional wrestlers.] Health Insurance because they couldn't afford it at the time or they just didn't want to pay it, they just wanted to put it back into the company so it can thrive into the global juggernaut it is today, so in essence what this company has done is build this empire on the grounds of broken bodies, minds and souls of many previous generations of professional wrestlers; it is a sick business model you have there WWE don't you think? I am not okaying how things started out for this company, but times change I say that but this company doesn't, they should now be paying in an ideal world Health Insurance or at minimum something like 50% Health Insurance mixed with a lighter wrestling schedule or a combination of this or something or anything would be nice or a good start.]

I think it is an absolute disgrace that Mr. McMahon is doing all these budget cuts to make more profit which as I have made pretty clear they don't need so it is just down to because they can and greet; that he won't allow his independent contractors the freedom to make in comparison a crumb of extra money, I know I have mentioned this already, but here's a great idea; give your wrestling talent employee contracts with Health Insurance and then I am sure they will sit down and talk, but until that day if I was in a wrestling talent situation I would happily give Mr. McMahon the "Stone Cold Steve Austin" two fingers salute, yes I couldn't care or wouldn't care about the repercussions.

There is one final thing I should point out; the WWE are heading for their most profitable year, I wonder why that could be? Maybe we should go and ask the many upon many people they have released in one way or another why this is? Especially when these people have worked possibly long hours away from their families trying to get everything ready and done for this or that or the other so this company can function from the ground up and then just for them to be thrown away when they really, really, absolutely needed job security in this global pandemic to support their families in their time of need.

All Elite Wrestling: I mean over this pandemic this company have only currently let a small number go, because of this global situation and one they chose to, because of the situation surrounding him in Jimmy Havoc, look WWE this is how you deal with controversial situations may be you can learn something here in dealing with  Velveteen Dream.

AEW rightly deserve to be criticized over the handling of the Matt Hardy vs. Sammy Guevara Broken Rules Match, where if Hardy had lost, he would have had to leave AEW [at AEW All Out 2020.] The only people that walked out of that situation with credibility was AEW Referee Aubrey Edwards, just a little bit of advice to the AEW hierarchy, you should do everything in your power to make sure she signs a life-time contract with your company, because she was right on top of the situation and took immediate action. Guevara [for basically recognizing the situation and clearly taking his time to give Hardy time to recover or later on creating a distraction so the camera stays on him.

Now on to Matt Hardy; I watched someone else's content so I would have an idea of this situation and whilst watching this content I noticed something very familiar the look on Hardy's face after the restart. I only know this look because I have been watching wrestling for many years and I am sure my age bracket and older would know this look as well.

I can only describe it as something like a zombie look; it's like the professional wrestler in question knows something is wrong, but the professional wrestler in them goes into auto-pilot just to get the match done and they will focus on the problem when the final bell rings. I see the mind-set of a professional wrestler to be a very complicated thing; because they can use the mind-set that they have to achieve great things, such as jumping off the top turnbuckle fully aware that they are going to take their opponents finisher in mid-air or climbing to the top of any cage to possibly crash and burn or if their opponent or opponents catch them correctly there can still be casualties.

I do question why or how Hardy was cleared to continue this match? Yes I may not be a medical professional, but I do have common sense and common sense dictates I shouldn't believe anything that this individual has to say, based on the grounds there is something clearly wrong with them as badly as Hardy was; in fact I now question this entire situation minus the two individuals I have given praise to, let's just say I think it was a wise move to bring this feud to a conclusion and move on from it, it was doomed from the very beginning if we were honest and to have Hardy come out and sincerely apologize on this previous Wednesday's [06/09/2020] was good, but so much has to be learned here, this cannot happen again. Because it isn't just any professional wrestler that goes on their journey in their career it is also their family and friends, so protect them better even from themselves and next time don't overrule any of your Referees as it relates to anything to do with the brain, you can get away with bleeding [not internal bleeding] or anything you can fix up short-term, but you don't mess with the brain. Basically similar to boxing anything you can fix up in the corner is okay, but other than that stop the match if there are grounds to do so.

On to Chris Jericho; so it was a great choice for your band Fozzy to perform at Sturgis Motorcycle Rally [Friday 07/08/2020 to Sunday 16/08/2020] with a massive number of new cases of this global pandemic now coming out to be roughly being out of 460,000 people that attended this 10 day event 266,000 people have now contracted it and one death; with you originally defending your decision with a now deleted Tweet "7 cases... out of 450,000 people????" Someone clearly doesn't know how viruses work, just to cover my back these figures I have given at this point may be now completely wrong, but they were estimated to be correct some time ago. Fozzy have now resumed going on tour through this pandemic as well from 2020 and 2021, which I find extraordinary considering we are in a pandemic.

A quick mention AEW don't have a problem with their talent having their own Internet platform either, so on to my final thing; because I know how the Internet landscape works, I just want to cover this; as far as I am aware and yes I could be absolutely wrong AEW have only given Health Insurance to some wrestlers, because they are working for AEW in a company capacity role as well.

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