Monday 7 September 2020

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers [Season 2,] Episode 95: Scavenger Hunt by AverageMansReviews

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers [Season 2,] Episode 95: Scavenger Hunt by AverageMansReviews

Review Time:

5 things about this episode

Warning: there are flashing/colourful/other effects

Storyline: it is something solid, but it does take some time to get going.

The Power Blaster/Blooper: so on one hand it is good to see this option of The Power Rangers artillery being used, but on the other hand at this point it is as useful as using Windows XP in 2020 [okay the computer may work; but it will struggle dealing with up-to-date technological advancements,] because Lord Zedd's monsters are much stronger than Rita Repulsa's; as you will see when this monster of this episode looks and is acting as if The Power Blaster didn't damage or affect him in any way shape or form; as he is looking for somewhere to put down Lord Zedd's Growth Bomb [yes I am aware this Growth Bomb looks like a hand grenade; but I don't pick the name for these things,] but still what is the point of using The Power Blaster at this time?

So you may be asking yourself "If The Power Blaster is insufficient to destroy today's monsters [in the mid-1990's] what can they use instead?" Well I am glad you asked; this is where the blooper comes into things [in Episode 90: Mirror of Regret] The Power Rangers are given the newest addition to their arsenal by Zordon and Alpha 5 by the name of The Power Cannon; this would have been the much better option in these modern times [in the mid-1990's.]

This monster for this episode: from an artistic perspective this monster is designed for war as its origins come from Billy's Cousin's toy cannon [I should just point out this cannon is from within the science-fiction genre and not one of those which requires gunpowder and a cannonball.] But he looks great and this is one of those occasions where this monster should have been given a minimum of a two episode run, just because they could have done a lot with him and it just seems a shame to waste all that potential.

This episode receives: 6/10, this episode is good; yes it is a bit slow to begin with, but I will happily take this over the recent previous episodes.

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