Monday 7 September 2020

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers [Season 2,] Episode 94: Where There's Smoke, There's Fire by AverageMansReviews

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers [Season 2,] Episode 94: Where There's Smoke, There's Fire by AverageMansReviews

Review Time:

5 things about this episode

Warning: there are flashing/colourful/other effects

Bulk & Skull's narrative; Who are The Power Rangers?: Well this time these two decide to join The Wannabe Fire Fighters Club basically in short Bulk's thinking is where there is fire, there is danger, where there is danger there are The Power Rangers. Which in theory you have to say this is logical thinking if massively dangerous and yes an idea, but I wouldn't want to put it into practice. Now from a comedy perspective we have these two doing this quick running sequence away from this small fire [this running sequence has been speeded up; for my fellow country people they will get this reference if you are old enough like Benny Hill minus the background music which comes with this Benny Hill sequence] and they jump into this lake, but where they jump in it is very shallow so the bottom of their shoes may get wet but that is about it, but they are still terrified.

Is Rocky secretly Mortal Kombat's Johnny Cage?: Rocky does an interpretation of Johnny Cage's Nut Punch, I have used the wording interpretation because firstly Rocky blocks this attacking Z-Putty and punches him, secondly but not where Johnny Cage hits, but he does the splits; this is good.

Aisha or Aisha/The Yellow Power Ranger please be quiet: now I know why she has these character developments for this episode because they are basically a public service announcement and learning about teamwork [moral messages.] But here is the problem in no way shape or form is this subtle it's like someone has taken a handheld loud speaker to the public service announcement and they are ramming it down the viewers throat [via Aisha or Aisha/The Yellow Power Ranger,] and learning about teamwork this is not bad, but this is a cherry on top of the cake really.

This episode receives: 3/10, now even Bulk & Skull couldn't save this episode from being placed in the poor section of my marking system; they bring their part to the table, but they cannot do everything.

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