Wednesday 23 September 2020

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers [Season 2,] Episode 110: Wild West Rangers: Part I by AverageMansReviews

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers [Season 2,] Episode 110: Wild West Rangers: Part I by AverageMansReviews

Review Time:

5 things about this episode

Warning: there are flashing/colourful/other effects

Storyline: it is good; it the ground running and keeps things going fluently from beginning to end.

Bang, bang: we have the action and comedy going hand-in-hand here; One-Eyed Bulk & Doc Skullovitch sticking up this stagecoach; on doing this The White Stranger on his white steed appears, basically Doc Skullovitch has brought the wrong pistols with them, because on firing them at The White Stranger; they are these joke pistols that on firing them; this piece of fabric/paper [I don't know what it is] comes out with the word BANG in big black text [yes those joke pistols;]

Bloopers: in short the majority of The Power Rangers go to intercept Goldar, this monster and these Z-Putties from reaching this Time Hole, but these Z-Putties get through after this combat sequence Goldar, this monster and then The Power Rangers go to this Time Hole porthole [but not the one which is closer to them at this point, but to the one in the Angel Grove Youth Center, Gym and Juice Bar which is located by these lockers, so why didn't everyone just use the closer one instead of walking this far? I would have let this all slide, because maybe it is possible to have more than one Time Hole porthole and they couldn't do this enthusiastic action sequence in the Angel Grove Youth Center, Gym and Juice Bar so I understand moving it to this wide open location, I just wanted to bring this up as I have already said I understand and it makes sense to me for them to move it. But for The Power Rangers having this group conversation Ayesha/The Yellow Power Ranger saying " There's gotta be another way in! "[Me thinking; Yes you have just come from a location which had another Time Hole porthole which it would have been closer to you.] Billy/The Blue Power Ranger saying "Not from here the energy's dispersed." [Me thinking; So go back to the other one that.] Rocky/The Red Power Ranger says "If that's true we've lost Kimberly." [Me thinking; Hello is this thing on? There is another Time Hole porthole, you have just walked away from it; which once again you would have been closer to it; we never see it but we are led to believe that it is somewhere near.] A small/very tiny moment later [I have missed out a little bit of a dialogue exchanges, because there is nothing there for me to pick apart.] So I will move on we have Tommy/The White Power Ranger saying "I don't want to leave here, cause it's our only link to Kim." [Me thinking; there is another  Time Hole porthole and Rocky/The Red Power Ranger and Tommy/The White Power Ranger both drop versions of Kimberly's name. [Yes I don't care they are on their own someone could have overheard them or something like this; a secret identity is a secret identity end of story, so if you're keeping score the only ones that didn't say anything for me to pick apart are Billy/The Blue Power Ranger, Adam/The Black Power Ranger and Saba and yes I am aware Saba doesn't say anything or get used in this location, but it still counts and finally if you're wondering if The Power Rangers had taken the second Time Hole porthole what they have came across this raunchy which Kimberly is? Well let me put it this way if the Z-Putties can find their way here I think The Power Rangers can do the same as well.

This episode receives: 7/10, this episode is good; there are things consistently happening, so this is a good start for this two-parter.

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