Tuesday 22 September 2020

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers [Season 2,] Episode 109: Storybook Rangers: Part II by AverageMansReviews

 Mighty Morphin Power Rangers [Season 2,] Episode 109: Storybook Rangers: Part II by AverageMansReviews

Review Time:

5 things about this episode

Warning: there are flashing/colourful/other effects

Bulk & Skull’s narrative; Who are The Power Rangers?: We meet up again with Bulk & Skull as they bring this monster to life [unknowingly to them; it is because Rita Repulsa and Lord Zedd brings this monster to life and not them.] What follows this is Bulk & Skull running through this garage wall and making these stencil images of themselves, quickly followed by this monster and his stencil image; this is a good storyline narrative and element of comedy.

2-on-1: the Thunder Megazord and the White Tigerzord/White Tigerzord: Warrior Mode, taking one Mondo the Magician. The art and action work hand-in-hand here; Mondo the Magician looks truly evil and ominous as he has predominantly black clothing, long jacket, straps going around the body with this blue wide strip going underneath these body straps, with a hat that connects around the chin area, with a monocle [on my right, his left eye,] he is silver, black eyes with blue slightly long fingernails, has a very dangerous looking sword and as his name would suggest he has mystical powers as well.

He has no problem showing The Power Rangers what he can do with his sword and a smidgen of his power as he puts his right hand [loosely claw with this hum of aggression to illustrate he is charging up for an attack,] roughly over the facility of his left eye without touching it there is some distance here, turn the same hand over [on closer inspection his hand looks more open as he is getting ready to perform this attack and on top of that we have him doing this quiet evil laugh] slowly moves hand to the right with these white thunder effects happening with electrical sound effects [he is still quietly laughing] knocking down the Thunder Megazord short-term.


The camera work has to be given praise as well briefly; where we have Mondo the Magician looking down diagonally and telling The Power Rangers/the Thunder Megazord "Get up so I can finish you off face-to-face."This entire scene is great camera work.

This episode receives: 8/10, this episode is excellent; it does have so much to offer on the artistic front, but having said that this action sequence which I have illustrated in this review is too short and did we really need to destroy Mondo the Magician, he had so much more to offer; you will see what I mean when you watch this episode [I can't say too much more than that because I will be breaking the 3 to 5 things about one episode rule.]

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