Monday 21 September 2020

Average Extra of: MrGirl Cuties: An Uncomfortably Honest Review by AverageMansReviews

Average Extra of: MrGirl Cuties: An Uncomfortably Honest Review by AverageMansReviews

Warning/Disclaimer: I want to make this crystal clear I am not a medical professional, I have life experience with a mental health illness so I am speaking from this perspective and when I say I laughed at this, it wasn't funny; funny it was what the hell?! Funny, funny and much more importantly I am not I repeat I am not condoning anything this individual has said as it relates to the sexual nature of this film and neither am I giving you/this individual a reason or in this case something to hide behind and usually I wouldn't criticize someone else's content, but I think we can all agree or like 99.9% of us can agree that this needs to be discussed and it has just dawn on me, by me producing this blog I am potentially giving him what he wants, which is people talking about him [this is speculation on my part.]

Let's get down to business: now I have seen this: it took me three attempts to get through this; I do believe based on my viewing experience and life experience this individual has some form of mental illness, because when he talks about this project away from the sexual component it is coherent and so-called normal and it makes sense, but the problem is one second and I do stress in one very tiny second he switches between what is okay [reasonable] to something which is unbelievably not reasonable and very, uncomfortable and I know this is not a medical terminology but he goes off the deep end, so far off the deep end even Arthur Curry/Aquaman is like "Oh Hell No!, you're on your own."

His body language and everything changes it is weird, he does come over as an highly articulate individual so if there is a mental illness or something like this; he is a high functioning version of this mental illness/others which of what I have seen based on my research of this individual [I have watched some of his other content,] does come over as highly articulate, but however very confrontational be it online or in the real-world [just for the record yes I can say in the real-world, because in one of his videos he interviews someone about Black Lives Matter and he comes over as a confrontational idiot, he is trying to bait her but he does say to her "I am on your side, you don't have to convince me" this is an excerpt but it still has that confrontational atmosphere and tone, so he could just be appeasing her; full disclaimer I did not watch all of this video, because it goes on for roughly 48 minutes and at that point I had seen enough and interestingly he does mention in another video he doesn't know if he is autistic and on top of that in a nutshell he is aware he irritates people; which if we're being honest is not too surprising really.

I mean let's get back to this review saying highly, highly so highly inappropriate things such as these underage girls are hot, it isn't exactly going to make people want to be around you or converse with you, I mean because I am street-smart I would most definitely stay away from individuals such as he or these, because mental illness or other or not, they believe it is their right to inform the person or persons which are irritating them or have a different opinion to themselves; to inform them of their opinion, but as I am a street-smart individual all this does is instigate a situation quite possibly ending up in violence.

Now this is where I am going to contradict myself here; because of this individuals intelligence there is a very good possibility this is him being him without any form of mental illnesses or other, so as it relates to this review he is aware of the controversial nature of this material in its entirety and once again based on more research [you didn't think I wouldn't say these things without research did you?] More often than not this one video/review has got more views than his average views roughly being 1900 [these figures are rough, this is just by a random selection of his videos/contents and they are of when  this blog was first dictated] he does have one which has a similar views figure as this controversial review.

What I would like to see YouTube do: remove this individual from their platform, because throughout this entire situation with this film and the relating review/blogs if you are a recurring person to my content, I have made it abundantly clear my views on this topic, as I have said previously if an individual highlights that they do not condone the sexual component of this project, but says this film is average or anything other on a positive scale, I am not restricting anyone's opinions, because everyone is entitled to their opinions. But as I am an amicable person I have more time for someone that acknowledges and consequently doesn't condone the sexual component of this film, I mean I have just watched someone else's content about this subject and this individual involved the Bible, I am not religious, but I don't disrespect it. My point being here; if I can take the time to listen to somebody that involves the Bible at some point in their content, there is a wide selection of people I will give time to; as it relates to this subject as long as they don't try to defend the sexual component of this film, like they could say something to the effect of "I get the sexual component, but it is way too much." This would be not strongly defending the sexual component just acknowledging its purpose, consequently this would be an amicable point of view.

But what I am speculating/suggesting here is he could always be saying these things to get the views and so on which I made reference to at the beginning of this blog and [his cousin seems more down to earth and real another full disclosure I didn't watch this video all the way through because I have got to get this done and it was roughly a 43 minutes interview about Black Lives Matter [I will probably go back to watch these two interviews at some point not for this individual and his channel, but to listen to these people he is interviewing,] basically I will ignore him [on a quick side note I am not condoning these criminal activities which he recorded or neither in my condoning a person or persons being an idiot towards this YouTuber in the same video; I am trying to be unbiased here.]

But as it relates to this individual I have to choose my words very carefully, not to protect him, but because I like to make my content nice and safe for anyone to read to the best of my abilities.

I do believe as it relates to this YouTuber and his content/review there is sinister behaviour at minimum to provoke people or something darker which regardless if it is real or fake [I'm just trying to be balanced here look I have just previously said also,] cannot be allowed on this platform or should not be allowed on this platform.

"Why hasn't YouTube gotten involved yet? Because as of this blog it has 78,000 down votes and it contains unpleasant content which no surprise here I have done more research; Community Guidelines; Don't harass others, Don't post ultra-violent videos and there other rules[yes I viewed these rules from genuine YouTube manufactured videos where they basically say look more into it or something to this effect. So yes in theory this is not ultra-violent, but I would be more than happy to if I had the power to put this review under this ruling, based on my viewing experience, I know it isn't ultra-violent and he does say something to the effect of he hasn't watched under age material [but has a small laugh and smile whilst saying "I haven't." as if this is funny,] it's like he knows what we are thinking, I will put this very politely "This man is just wrong!" And he is just trying to provoke anyone and everyone like I have referenced in this blog already, but let's just say this whole contents/review has alarm bells ringing this is why I would say this qualifies as ultra-violent  and even from an unbiased perspective this content not only crosses this line of what is acceptable and what isn't you could comfortably have around the world trip providing you begin in London UK and around the world back to London and then you would still have enough mileage to get to Helsinki Finland and back again to London; this is how much this review/content crosses the line [finally I did revisit this contents to get my references correct or generally correct and yes as it relates to the interview with the individual about Black Lives Matter I have just seen a little bit more and yes he was in fact baiting her of what I've seen so far she hasn't reacted, but is slowly getting frustrated as he continues to push her, briefly I don't know how this YouTuber is still allowed on YouTube and on top of that I don't know how he has as of this blog 267,000 subscribers, because he is an unpleasant confrontational person.


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