Sunday 20 September 2020

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers [Season 2,] Episode 108: Storybook Rangers: Part I by AverageMansReviewsWe took

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers [Season 2,] Episode 108: Storybook Rangers: Part I by AverageMansReviews

Review Time:

5 things about this episode

Warning: there are flashing/colourful/other effects

Bulk & Skull’s narrative; Who are The Power Rangers?: These two lovable individuals are at this Angel Grove High School Book Fair; mainly because Skull is looking for Skull's Mum's Birthday present he comes across a book entitled "How to cook a Thanksgiving feast? Bulk says "Aer, that would be perfect for your Mum" and [Bulk diagonally walks out of this scene past the camera] and says quieter "I've tasted her cooking."] With Skull looking at him with a mixture of "Did he just say what I think he just said?" Mixed in with a little bit of anger mixed in with a little bit of confusion on his face.

Bulk comes across a book entitled  "Monster Making Made Easy" and basically comes up with the idea they should make a monster, to release it on Angel Grove, to attract the Power Rangers so Bulk & Skull can unmask them; on both counts be it this storyline narrative or element of comedy this is good.

Grumble the Magic Elf: Kimberly, Tommy and Rocky get trapped in this book [the title is the beginning to this section.] Now inside this World it is certainly engaging be it went Kimberly, Tommy and Rocky are in this Forest talking to Grumble the Magic Elf when these Z-Putties show up or when Kimberly, Tommy and Rocky are in this very cold location [where this Snow Monster lives] and presents a big threat to Kimberly, Tommy and Rocky; this is good art and action.

This episode receives: 6/10, this episode is good; now don't get me wrong this is another episode or potentially episodes, considering this is the first part of two parter that does have that feeling and look of it should be in Season 1, but let's be positive it is a break away from the norm; Bulk & Skull bring a lot to the table as well, now just in case I have gotten a little bit of Bulk's dialogue exchange wrong, I have never been good at this side of English dialogue exchange or dictation, so apologies for that. I was just thinking I would point that out now, because I know at some point in the future someone will get back to me and say "That dialogue exchange isn't completely correct." So I may as well own up to it now and get it out of the way with.

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