Saturday 19 September 2020

Average Extra of: Cuties So We Are Bad People If We Don't Agree About This Film Being Good? by AverageMansReviews

 Average Extra of: Cuties So We Are Bad People If We Don't Agree About This Film Being Good? by AverageMansReviews

Warning: I will be bringing up things in this blog that are unpleasant, but I only bring them up to make a valid point.

Real Talking Time:

Now yes it is very true I didn't want to touch this subject again, but I did say something to the effect of if something big transpires then I will revisit this subject and in my eyes this is something not only big but absolutely gigantic.

Why are the people that are against this film bad people?: I find this very disturbing that if you don't agree with this film is a good film then you're basically a bad person, I am speaking generally here, I mean if someone made a decent argument, like this for an example "I'm not condoning any and I do mean any of the sexual component of this title because it is disgusting, but there is substance here so this film is average but I have to stress I don't condone any of the sexual component." I mean even I have said deep, deep, deep, so far deep down there is substance in this project in my review, so I would at least listen to this individual, just for the record she could even say the film is good or anything I'm just saying that on some level it is reasonable for someone to have a different opinion to myself [I am not backtracking on any of my previous blogs on this subject, but I am trying to illustrate there are grounds to at least be civil to one another as it relates to this controversial topic.]

What I have heard from other peoples contents [with them showing their source/sources] is the Director Maïmouna Doucouré [is a woman being politically correct of ethnic background and this film has won an award.] Sundance Film Festival 2020 Winner Directing Award World Cinema - Dramatic; Maïmouna Doucouré 2020 [she has 12 credits to her name as of this blog 6 Winners, 6 Nominations,] so what I take from this; it is okay to come out with a film like this as long as you are; a woman of ethnic background and it wins at least an award [Nominated for 3 others.]

Before you begin angrily typing [I'm this or I am that and if it should happen you are new to my blog or you’re a consistent reader you should be aware or know I have a point and it is world shattering.]

Why is it that Doucouré is being defended by Hollywood and many others? Whilst Weinstein was condemned [rightly so by the way] and is currently serving 23 years in prison but if we are talking about awards [he has 51 credited to his name; 21 Winners and 30 Nominations.]

All this film has done has unearthed massive problems in one way or another such as be it the sexualization and exploitation of young girls or hypocrisy is okay as long as it serves your narrative, purpose and wins you an award. I know I am not the only one thinking could you imagine the backlash if the Director was a man; could you imagine the monsoon of backlash everywhere potentially calling him "A sex offender and saying he should be in prison." looking at 650 videos or recordings of auditions, teaching these young girls what he wants them to do may be on a one-to-one basis, getting the camera shots he wants and many other things, this would blatantly be double standards as well, but hey never mind as long as a woman does it that is acceptable? Not! As far as I'm concerned double standards are double standards regardless of gender or so on, in fact the more I think about it the more I think it is very convenient that no one has spoken about equality here because as I have already referenced if a man had done this he would be receiving backlash, but I forgot people only speak of equality when it fits your narrative, purpose and not forgetting it wins you an award.

I know I am partly brain-damaged and I have a mental illness on top, but can these people defending this film not see the deliberate, highly visual sexualization of young girls. I mean as I have just stated I have my issues, but I can clearly see it and feel strong discussed for it. I really wouldn't think of coming at me with this whole garbage of coming-of-age thing, you know full well that is garbage [Amy our lead character is just 11 years old,] I don't buy it now let's just suppose that this was a coming-of-age film [just work with me here I know it isn't] her Mother and Aunty individually or together would be there for Amy when she is beginning her next stage of life [being polite seasonal changes,] or other forms of dancing [other than sexual] as an interest/could be a career for her you see that would give me grounds to go "Yes there are some elements of coming-of-age." But there isn't, all we have is unpleasant content for like 99.9% of the film

I know I have said this in my review of this film, so I will make it brief here; I really do wonder the motivation of the parents of these young girls, because either in the film industry or outside of it this could potentially destroy these children's lives and what for; being hypocritical on its message of sexualizing underage young girls; by sexualizing underage young girls, so some Director could win one award

So to be honest I am glad I am seen as a bad person, because throughout this whole situation I have learned my moral compass is working fine, when or if I become a parent it will be hard work, but I will be just fine and it has recently come to my attention that an underage female accidentally shows her breast [I didn't know this at the time,] but you know what I'm going to say don't you; this is just so wrong, but as long as a woman is behind this kind of project and wins an award for it; that is all good isn't it?

Do you know what I find truly, truly funny about this tragic situation when any project or specifically a parody film or well-known animated TV program parodies this film at any point in the future; the backlash will be swift and merciless anywhere and I have to ask what is wrong with that? [I know what is wrong with that,] I am specifically talking about if this film is deemed to be excellent and so on and so forth by some people out there, there should be absolutely no problem [yes I know there is a problem by the way I'm just saying] if there is no problem with this film, there should be absolutely no problem with any and I do mean any parodies of it, for the life of me I can't remember this expression oh yes I remember it now "You've made your bed you can now lie in it."[Meaning if this film hadn't been made in the first place there wouldn't be this material for anyone to parody,] so get your popcorn ready because this situation is far, far from done.



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