Friday 18 September 2020

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers [Season 2,] Episode 107: Best Man for the Job by AverageMansReviews

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers [Season 2,] Episode 107: Best Man for the Job by AverageMansReviews

Review Time:

5 things about this episode

Warning: there are flashing/colourful/other effects

Storyline/The battle of the sexes: now in one way or another there is a lot that in one way or another goes hand-in-hand; be it the storyline firstly being okay, but more to the point it feels and looks like it belongs in Season 1 and not here and now in Season 2. The exact same can be said for the character developments between Kimberly, Kimberly/The Pink Power Ranger and Tommy, Tommy/The White Power Ranger and Rita Repulsa and Lord Zedd.

Continuing the battle of the sexes but from a different perspective; Kimberly/The Pink Power Ranger and Tommy/The White Power Ranger are having this argument whilst in this combat situation; Goldar [is in the middle and slightly back in this scene] is trying to get a word in edgewise and involved, so eventually he punches Kimberly/The Pink Power Ranger this is a good comedy and action element.

This episode receives: 4/10, this episode is mixed: taking everything into consideration this mark is the right outcome and this is speculation mixed with a sensible guess, I just wonder because Rita Repulsa is the main one in control of this episode out of her and Lord Zedd, is the reason why this episode feels and looks like it belongs in Season 1 and yes I am aware this is more than a very high probability of being complete garbage; it is just something that has come to me and there is always the possibility that at this stage of this Season; they are beginning to throw in episode fillers, this basically means; episodes which will do the job; to get to in this case the 52 mark episodes for this Season, possibly not the strongest material but as I have already said it will do the job or they are trying to do this holding pattern until the next big storyline may be in Season 3, so between now and then they still need to do something.

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