Wednesday 5 August 2020

Just Mercy 2019/2020 by AverageMansReviews

Just Mercy 2019/2020 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time

Warning: there are colourful effects/flashing effects/death row component/capital punishment/mental health/prejudiced component/environment.

Storyline: it is good; the pacing knows what it is doing from beginning to end and sticks to it.

Action/Art: there are ever so tiny elements of either exercise or weapons being used [I had to fill out this review a little.] But moving on to the art the skies are eye-catching be it when McMillian/Foxx is looking up at the sky when he is standing in this forest or these skies at different points throughout the day or night and watch out for this Paddlewheel Cruise in one scene.

Characters/Performances: including the on-screen chemistry as well these are all good and free-flowing.

This film receives: 7/10, this film is good; this film just highlights that we still haven't come that far from these days from the late 1980's further back [I have just chosen the late 1980's because this is where this film begins.] in fact I think we are going backwards; now I want to make this 100% crystal clear I am not comparing myself to the African-Americans.

But however yes I may be a Caucasian male, but I am also in a wheelchair with a mental health illness and in this day and age if you are not good-looking, with a full functioning body, financially sound and without baggage of some degree; at some point it will be used against you or to keep you in your place; like I know where I belong somewhere right at the bottom with the other members of our society that have been deemed as social rejects to be thrown away because I am broken and just for the record this isn't my mental health speaking, I am just a very matter-of-fact person.

But as far as I can tell until there is a realization that we can do better as a society in general and drown out those that actively spread hatred on any level then things are as I have already said things are just going backwards [and just to cover my back in the future yes I have said things anywhere that can be deemed as hatred, but in my defence and what I remember of it; it comes from a reactionary perspective, which basically means if they didn't start it or had been polite or at minimum being amicable I would have been polite or amicable back or ignored it [I am sure I can't be the only one, the things people today say things that you just can't ignore, in some situations; you know what I mean somehow they kind of missed out a step and go to; they believe they can say these things or ultra hatred, which makes me ruthless in return.] I am a nice guy, it is just I stand my ground and I do not tolerate people that have the belief they can say whatever they like without me responding.

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